TXB 418
Modern Chinese History History of Emotions Labour History History of the Chinese Communist Party
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Shensi Yi. ‘“What is the point of having meetings?”: The Everyday Politics of Communist Youth in Shanghai, 1922-1927.’ Modern China, vol. 51, issue 2 (March 2025): 139-176. (SSCI)
Shensi Yi. ‘Between Arrogance and Despondency: The Shanghai Workers, the Communists, and the Strikes at the Japanese Cotton Mills of 1926.’ International Labor and Working-Class History 103 (Spring 2023): 202-226. doi:10.1017/S0147547922000060.(SSCI/A&HCI)
Shensi Yi. 'Personal Networks, Group Dynamics, and Local Party Politics: Luo Yinong and the Moscow Faction in the CCP, 1920-1927.' Asian Studies Review Vol. 47, Issue 2 (April 2023): 281-299. (SSCI/A&HCI)
Shensi Yi. ‘Brothers, Comrades, or Competitors: The Communist Party and the Youth League in Shanghai, 1925-1927.’ History, Vol. 107, Issue 374 (January 2022): 121-142.
Shensi Yi. ‘Centralism, Localities, and Leadership: The Politics of the Chinese Socialist Youth League in the early 1920s.’ Historical Research, Vol. 94, No. 263 (February 2021):136-157.
Shensi Yi. ‘Kangzhan shengli chuqi zhonggong shanghai qiyi jihua yanbian de zaikaocha,’ [Reinvestigation on the Evolution of the CCP’s Plan of the Shanghai Uprising at the Early Stage of the Victory of Resistance against Japan], Zhonggong dangshi yanjiu [CPC History Studies], No. 12 (December 2015): 16-29.(CSSCI)
Shensi Yi. ‘Afuxialuomufu yu mengjiangnü de fuchen,’ [The Rise and Fall of the Fate of Avshalomov and Meng Jiangnü], Yinyue yanjiu [Music Research], No. 1 (January 2014): 45-63.(CSSCI)
Peer-reviewed Book Chapters
Shensi Yi. ‘Xinsijun yu weijing de shanghai qiyi,’ [The New Fourth Army and the Abandonment of the Shanghai Uprising Plan], in Xinsijun yu Shanghai [The New Fourth Army and Shanghai], edited by Shanghaishi Xinsijun ji huazhong kangri genjudi lishi yanjiuhui, 82-96. Shanghai: Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 2015.
Shensi Yi. ‘Zhonggong sida yu dangtuan guanxi zai chanshi: yi shanghai wei shijiao’ [Reinterpretation of the 4th National Congress of the CCP and the Relationship between the Party and League: A case study of Shanghai area’, in Liliang zhiyuan: Jinian zhonggong sida jiushi zhounian xueshu yantaohui lunwenji [Source of Power: A Symposium on the Fourth National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party], edited by Zhonggong Shanghai shiwei dangshi yanjiushi and Zhonggong sida jinianguan, 145-163. Shanghai: Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 2015.
Shensi Yi. ‘Jiefang zhanzheng shiqi de Shanghai jiaoyujie tongyi zhanxian’ [United Front in Shanghai Educational Field during the Liberation War] and ‘Jiefang zhanzheng shiqi de Shanghai wenhuajie tongyi zhanxian’ [United Front in Shanghai Cultural Circles during the Liberation War], in Gongfu shijian: 1920-1949 nian Shanghai tongzhan lishi zhuanti wenji [United to Conquer Difficulties: A Thematic Collection of United Front History in Shanghai (1920-1949)], edited by Zhonggong Shanghai shiwei dangshi yanjiushi, 188-242. Shanghai: Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 2014.
Conference Presentations
‘Xiaozhang yihuo xiaocheng: Gongren, Shanghai gongchandang yu 1926nian xiaji bagong’, presented in the 3rd Workshop on the Organizational History of the CCP, East China Normal University, Shanghai. 22-25 March 2024.
‘Getting off at an Earlier Station: Cotton Mill Workers, the Communists, and the Shanghai Summer Strikes of 1926’, on panel titled ‘Like Cattle and Horses: Japanese Informal Empire, Communist Revolution, and the Industrial Labor Movement in Republican China’, presented in 137th American Historical Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA. 4-7 January 2024.
‘"What is the point of having meetings?" The Everyday Politics of the Communist Youth In shanghai, 1922-27’, presented in The Chinese Studies Association of Australia's 18th Biennial Conference, University of Syendy, Sydney, 7-9 December 2023.
‘Arrogance or Despondency: Arrogance or Despondency: the Shanghai Labourers, the Communists, and the Summer Strikes at the Japanese Cotton Mills of 1926’, presented at the International Conference on 180 years of the Shanghai urbanization, Shanghai, 6-7 October 2023.
‘Gender Politics in Revolution: Shanghai Communist Party in the Mid-1920s’, on panel titled ‘Manifaceted Revolution: Chinese Revolutionary History in the New Age’, presented in AAS-in-Asia Annual Conference, Daegu, Korea. 24-27 June 2023.
‘The Communist Youth at the Grassroots: An internal perspective on the Shanghai organization, 1922-1927’, Youth Political Mobilization and Socialization in Contemporary China workshop, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, Harvard University, 8-9 September 2022.
‘The Moscow Faction, Local Leadership, and the Party: Luo Yinong’s Life in 1920s Revolutionary China’, on panel titled ‘Contested Authorities: Power, Leadership and Representation in War and Revolution’, in The Chinese Studies Association of Australia’s 17th Biennial Conference, ANU, Canberra. 29 November 2021.
‘The Moscow Faction, Local Leadership, and the Party: Luo Yinong’s Life in 1920s China’, on panel titled ‘Leadership and Localities: Chinese Transnational Radicalism and Revolution in the Republican Period’ , in 134th American Historical Association Annual Meeting, New York, USA. 3-6 January 2020. (Panel organizer)
‘Between Arrogance and Depression: The Communist Party, the Labourers, and the Shanghai Strikes of 1926,’ presented at the Chinese Studies Association of Australia 16th Biennial Conference, La Trobe University, Australia, 1-3 July 2019.
‘Emotions, Localities and Leadership: the Chinese Youth League in the early 1920s’, on panel titled ‘Networks, Culture, and Localization: Transnational Studies of Communism in China and South East Asia, the 1920s-1950s’, in AAS-in-Asia Annual Conference, New Delhi, India. 5-7 July 2018. (Panel organizer)
‘Rivalry on Another Front: The Musical, the Musician and the Parties in 1940s China’, on panel titled ‘The Origins of the Chinese Propaganda State (1937-1965)’, in the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Conference, Washington D.C., USA. 22-25 March 2018.
‘The Immigrant Musician, the Chinese Party Competition, and the American Dream: The Fate of a Musical in Republican Shanghai,’ presented at Engage ‘China’: Perspectives from the Margins’ the Second Annual University of Oxford China Humanities Graduate Conference, University of Oxford, UK.10-11 January 2018.
‘Brothers, Comrades or Competitors? The Shanghai Communist Party and the Youth League in the National Revolution, 1925-1927,’ presented at Revolution, Reformation and Re-formation: Perspectives on Conflict and Change in History, Institute of Historical Research, London, UK. 8 June 2017.