
Hongzhe Zhang is currently an Assistant Professor in Information Systems at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. He obtained Ph.D. in Financial Services Analytics from Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics, University of Delaware. His research focuses on solving important problems in financial technology, privacy-preserving AI, and recommender systems with methods and tools drawn from reference disciplines, including computer science (e.g., machine learning) and management science (e.g., optimization). 



1. Hongzhe Zhang*, Xiaohang Zhao*, Xiao Fang, and Bintong Chen. "Proactive Resource Request for Disaster Response: A Deep Learning-based Optimization Model." (2023). Forthcoming at Information System Research (*Equal contribution).

2. Han Wu, Hongzhe Zhang#, Liangyue Li, Zulong Chen, Fanwei Zhu, and Xiao Fang. "Cheaper Is Better: Exploring Price Competitiveness for Online Purchase Prediction." In 2022 IEEE 38th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) (pp. 3399–3412).2022. (#Corresponding author)


Under Review

1. Hongzhe Zhang, Wei Qian, and Xiao Fang. “Latent Network Information-Enhanced Credit Risk Prediction”. Major Revision in MIS Quarterly.