Hongzhe ZHANG


Hongzhe ZHANG

Assistant Professor

Education Background:
Ph.D. in Financial Services Analytics, University of Delaware
M.S. in Statistic, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
B.S. in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Xiamen University
Office Address

Teaching Complex D Building (TxD) 608

Teaching Area

Information Systems


Financial Technology, Privacy-Preserving AI, Recommender System, Healthcare Analytics



1. Hongzhe Zhang*, Xiaohang Zhao*, Xiao Fang, and Bintong Chen. (2024). "Proactive Resource Request for Disaster Response: A Deep Learning-based Optimization Model." Information Systems Research, 35(2), 528-550. (*Equal contribution).

2. Xiao Fang, Shangkun Che, Minjia Mao, Hongzhe Zhang, Ming Zhao, and Xiaohang Zhao. (2024). "Bias of AI-generated content: an examination of news produced by large language models." Scientific Reports, 14(1), 5224.

3. Han Wu, Hongzhe Zhang#, Liangyue Li, Zulong Chen, Fanwei Zhu, and Xiao Fang. (2022). "Cheaper Is Better: Exploring Price Competitiveness for Online Purchase Prediction." In 2022 IEEE 38th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) (pp. 3399-3412). (#Corresponding author)


Under Review

1. Hongzhe Zhang, Wei Qian, and Xiao Fang. "Latent Similarity-Enhanced Credit Risk Prediction." Minor Revision at MIS Quarterly.