Assistant Professor
"It's human nature to stretch, to go, to see, to understand. Exploration is not a choice really — it's an imperative, and it's simply a matter of timing as to when the option is exercised.” — Astronaut Michael Collins, at the 10th anniversary of the moon landing in 1979
Organization Theory, Strategic Management, Social Evaluations (Legitimacy, Reputation, and Stigma), Emotions
1. Beyond the Feeling Individual: Insights from Sociology on Emotions and Embeddedness,Zhang, R., Voronov, M., Toubiana, M., Vince, R., & Hudson, B,,2023
2. “Stigma beyond levels: Advancing research on stigmatization” ,Zhang R. Wang M.S., Toubiana, M., Greenwood, R. ,, 2021, 15(1), 188-222
3. "Different forms of corporate philanthropy, different effects: A multilevel analysis",Luo, B.N., Xing, L., Zhang, R., Fu, X, & Zhang, Y. ,, 2020, 29(4), 748-762.
4. "Organizational legitimacy",Deephouse, D.L. & Zhang, R. ,,New York: Oxford University Press. 27 June 2018
5. "One belt one road: how could Canadian business get involved in? ", Wei, W., Muralidharan, E., Zhang, R.,,Won the third prize of the 2020 "Excellent Developer" Case Grand Price
6. "Knowledge exploration and innovation: A review and an inverse S-curve proposition",Luo, B.N., Lui, S., Liu, C.-H., & Zhang, R.,, 2018, 24(6): 870–892
7. "Feihe Dairy: A flying crane landing in Canada",Wei, W., Nie, V., Zhang, R., Liu, X.,,Case no. W19180-PDF-ENG,2019-4-30
8. “Win by getting the right people on board: Thoughts on Samsung’s talent management transformation”, Peng, J., Kim, H.-S., Zhang, R., & Huang, X.,, 2015
9. The institutional logics perspective (chapters 4 & 6),Thornton, P., Ocasio, W., & Lounsbury, M. ,, 2020, Hangzhou, China: Zhejiang University Press