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Chunshen Zhu has taught translation since 1982, at Fujian Normal University (1982-87), the National University of Singapore (1993-98), and then the City University of Hong Kong (1998-2017), before joining the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) as a professor of translation studies in 2017. He is also an Honorary Research Fellow at the Centre for Translation, Hong Kong Baptist University, Guest Professor of Beijing Foreign Studies University, and Adjunct Professor at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, as well as an editorial board member for Chinese Translators Journal and ITT, and an International Advisory Board member for The Translator. Since 1986 and especially after receiving his PhD from the University of Nottingham in 1993, he has published constantly on translation studies as well as other subjects in both English and Chinese in journals such as Chinese Translators Journal, British Journal of Aesthetics, META, Target, Multilingua, TTR, Journal of Pragmatics, and ITT. He has won the Stephen C. Soong Translation Studies Memorial Award three times (2000, 2001, and 2006). His recent translations include Oscar Wilde’s De Profundis (《自深深處》, Yilin, 2008, 2015, 2022) and Logan Pearsall Smith’s All Trivia (《浮生瑣記》forthcoming, Yilin, 2022).
1. [1998, tr.] 《短篇小說寫作指南》, Handbook of Short Story Writing. The original published by Writer's Digest, Cincinnati. Shenyang: Liaoning Education.
2. [2001, 2008] 《翻譯探微 – 語言, 文本, 詩學》New Perspectives on Translation: Words, Texts, Poetics. Taipei: Bookman; Nanjing: Yilin.
3. [2004, tr.]《(漢英對照中國古典詩歌配畫選讀之四) 古意新聲 · 品賞本》(Ancient Voices: A Renewed Sound – A collection for appreciation). Annotated translations in Modern Chinese and English, published with the classical originals and traditional Chinese paintings. Volume 4. Wuhan: Hubei Education.
4. [2008, 2015, 2017, 2022, tr.] 《自深深處》. Bilingual editions with the original text De Profundis by Oscar Wilde (2008, 2015, 2017) and monolingual edition (2022). Nanjing: Yilin.
5. [2017, 2019, 2023, tr.] 《夜鶯與玫瑰:王爾德短篇小說及童話全集》. Complete collection of short stories and fairy tales by Oscar Wilde. 大星(上海)文化傳媒有限公司/浙江文藝出版社(2017); 大星/中信出版集團(2019);臺北:時報文化出版公司(2019) . 《夜鶯與玫瑰:王爾德童話全集》. 浙江文藝出版社 (2023).
7. [2022, tr.] 《浮生瑣記》(with English original All Trivia by Logan Pearsall Smith). Nanjing: Yilin Press.
8. [2024] Zhu, Chunshen and Jiang, Chengzhi (eds.) Of Mind and Machine: Textual accountability in translation and for translator training. London and New York: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Of-Mind-and-Machine-Textual-Accountability-in-Translation-and-for-Translator-Training/Zhu-Jiang/p/book/9781032254708
Research articles (selected):
1. [1992] 'Chinese Puzzles: Practical aesthetics of translation'. In British Journal of Aesthetics, 32:1, 59-71.
2. [1996] 'From Functional Grammar and Speech Act Theory to Structure of Meaning: a three-dimensional perspective on translating'. In META: Translators' Journal, No. 41.3, 338-355.
3. [1996] 'Translation of Modifications: about information, intention and effect'. In Target: International Journal of Translation Studies, No. 8.2, 301-324.
4. [1996] 'Syntactic status of the agent and information presentation in translating the passive between Chinese and English'. In Multilingua: Journal of cross-cultural and interlanguage communication, No. 15.4, 397-417.
5. [1999] 'UT Once More: The sentence as the key functional Unit of Translation'. In META: Translators' Journal, 44-3. 429-447.
6. [1999] 'Integration of Form and Content for Communication through Translation: With reference to pronouns in Chinese discourse'. In Multilingua: Journal of cross-cultural and interlanguage communication, No. 18.1. 69-88.
7. [2000] 'Perception and Cognition in Translating Chinese Landscape Poetry: A case study of Liu Zongyuan's poem River Snow'. In TTR, XII-1 (1999), 167-189.
8. [2000] 〈走出誤區 踏進世界 - 中國譯學: 反思與前瞻〉(A Critical Review of Chinese Translation Studies: Towards a globalized perspective). In Chinese Translators Journal. No.1, 2000. 2-9.
9. [2002] 'Translation: Theories, Practice and Teaching'. In Eva Hung (ed.) Teaching Translation and Interpreting 4: Building Bridges, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 19-30.
10. [2004]〈從句法像似性與「異常」句式的翻譯看文學翻譯中的文體意識〉(Stylistic awareness in literary translation: syntactic iconicity and the translation of ‘extraordinary’ sentences). In Chinese Translators Journal. 25:1. 28-35.
11. [2004, 朱純深、吳旭東] 〈英語是非問句漢譯個案研究〉 (Form, context and function, and their implications for language training in translator education: A case study of Chinese translation of English yes/no questions). In Foreign Language Teaching and Research. 36:2. 137-143.
12. [2004, 2016] ‘Repetition and Signification: A study of textual accountability and perlocutionary effect in literary translation’. In Target 16:2. 227-252. 〈重复与表意——论文学翻译中的文本关照与言后效果〉. Translated by 王道元. In Translation Horizons (《翻译界》), I. 23-45.
13. [2005] ‘Translation Studies in China or Chinese-related Translation Studies: Defining Chinese Translation Studies’. In Babel, 50:4. 332-345.
14. [2005] 'Accountability in translation within and beyond the sentence as the key functional UT: Three case studies'. META: Translators' Journal, 50:1, 312-335.
15. [2007, in Chinese]〈子之矛乎?子之盾乎?有關翻譯研究學術話語弊病之我見〉(checklist for discoursal flaws in research writing on translation studies). In Chinese Translators Journal. 28:5. 37-41.
16. [2009, Hui WANG and Chunshen ZHU] ‘Discursive Mediation in Translation: Representation of the Harry Wu topic in the Chinese translations of Living History'. META: Translators' Journal. 54:4. 684-703.
17. [2010, Chunshen ZHU and Po-Ching YIP] ‘ClinkNotes: Towards a corpus-based, machine-aided programme of translation teaching'. META: Translators' Journal 55:2. 387-408.
18. [2010] 〈從詞義連貫、隱喻連貫與意象聚焦看詩歌意境之「出」—以李商隱《夜雨寄北》詩及其英譯為例〉(Imagery focalization and the profiling of a poetic world: From semantic to metaphorical coherence and beyond with special reference to Li Shangyin's A Missive of Night Rain to the North). Translated by 崔英. In Chinese Translators Journal, 31:1. 57-64.
19. [2011, Chunshen ZHU and Xudong WU] ‘A Study of Yes/No Questions in English and Chinese: With special reference to Chinese EFL learners' understanding of their forms and functions'. Journal of Pragmatics 43:2. 632-647.
20. [2011, Chunshen ZHU and Hui WANG] ‘A Corpus-based, Machine-Aided Mode of Translator Training: ClinkNotes and beyond'. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 5:2. 269-91.
21. [2011, 朱純深、張峻峰] 〈「不折騰」的不翻譯:零翻譯、陌生化與話語解釋權〉(No-translation for 不折騰: zero-translation, defamiliarization and discursive empowerment). Chinese Translators Journal 32:1. 68-72.
22. [2011, Tianyong HAO and Chunshen ZHU] ‘Simplified-Traditional Chinese Character Conversion Based on Multi-Data Resources: Towards a Fused Conversion Algorithm’, IJACT: International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology 3:7. 317-25.
23. [2011, Yameng LIU and Chunshen ZHU] ‘Rhetoric as the Antistrophos of Pragmatics: Toward a “Competition of Cooperation” in the Study of Language Use’, Journal of Pragmatics. 43:14. 3403-3415.
24. [2012] 〈一「名」之立:讀/譯散文《讀畫》– The Reading of a Painting〉 (Naming, Over-naming, Pure Language: Reading/Translating《读画》—The Reading of a Painting). In Chinese Translators Journal, 33:2. 18-26.
25. [2012, 王惠、朱純深]〈翻譯教學語料庫的標註及應用 – 「英文財經報道中文翻譯及註釋語料庫」介紹〉(Corpus construction and translation teaching: a report on the annotated corpus of English financial reports and Chinese translations). In Foreign Language Teaching and Research. 44:2. 246-255.
26. [2012, Tianyong HAO, Yuanyuan MU, and Chunshen ZHU] ‘A Pattern-based Annotation Transformation Schema for Knowledge Exchange’. In International Journal of Information and Education Technology. 2:3. 247-250.
27. [2013, Tianyong HAO and Chunshen ZHU] ‘Towards a Professional Platform for Chinese Character Conversion’. ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing, 12:1. 1-22.
28. [2013, 朱純深、慕媛媛]〈以文本解釋力為導向的語料庫翻譯教學―香港城大翻譯與雙語寫作線上教學/自學平臺的設計與試用分析〉(Towards a textual accountability-driven mode of teaching and (self-)learning for translation and bilingual writing: With special reference to a CityU on-line teaching platform). In Chinese Translators Journal, 34:2. 57-63.
29. [2013, 慕媛媛、朱純深]〈在線翻譯與雙語寫作教學/自學平臺建設中的語料精加工〉(In-Depth Data Processing in Constructing an Online Platform for Teaching/Self-Learning of E-C Translation and Bilingual Writing). In《當代外語研究》(Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies), (2013):1. 56-62.
30. [2015, 劉亞猛、朱純深]〈國際譯評與中國文學在域外的「活躍存在」〉(International Criticism of Translation and Chinese Literature’s Active Presence Overseas). In Chinese Translators Journal, 36:1. 5-12.
31. [2015, 朱純深、鄢秀] 〈從言語行為理論看「釋意」與「達意」:口譯的言語行為本質及其對譯員訓練的意義〉(Realization and communication of the “sense” in interpreting: A study of interpreting and interpreter training from the perspective of speech act theory). In Chinese Translators Journal, 36:2. 42-48.
32. [2015, Chunshen ZHU and Junfeng ZHANG] ‘Dancing with Ideology: Grammatical Metaphor and Identity Presentation in Translation’. In META: Translators' Journal 60:3. 387-405.
33. [2016] ‘Towards a yin-yang poetics of translation: Tai Chi pushing hands, hao-ran zhi qi, and pure language’. Douglas Robinson (ed.) The Pushing Hands of Translation and its Theory: In Memoriam Martha Cheung, 1953-2013. Routledge. 60-81.
34. [2016, Tianyong HAO, Chunshen ZHU, Yuanyuan MU and Gang LIU] ‘A user-oriented semantic annotation approach to knowledge acquisition and conversion'. Journal of Information Science. 1-19 (online first).
35. [2017] ‘The Chinese Tradition of Translation Studies: Review, reconstruction and modernisation’. Chapter One in Routledge Handbook of Chinese Translation, Chris Shei and Zhao-Ming Gao (eds.). Routledge.
36. [2018, Chengzhi JIANG and Chunshen ZHU] ‘Bilingual and Cross-Modal Representation of Distance(s) in Chinese Landscape Painting: From Yi (“Meaning”) to Yi (“Freedom”)'. Accepted by Semiotica: Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies.
37. [2019, translated and revised from 33 above] ‘翻譯的陰陽詩學——太極推手、浩然之氣、純語言’. 《中國翻譯》issue 2, 2019. 5-16.
38. [2019] ‘Translating literarily: From cognition to creation’.《翻譯研究與教學》, issue 2 (I), 2019. 5-14.
39. [2020, Lu TIAN
and Chunshen ZHU] ‘Making Connections Through Knowledge Nodes in Translator
Training: On a Computer-assisted Pedagogical Approach to Literary Translation’. International Journal of Translation, Interpretation,
and Applied Linguistics, 2:2, 15-29.
Patented technologies:
1. [2016, Chunshen Zhu and Tianyong Hao] Method, System and Medium for Character Conversion Between Different Regional Versions of a Language Especially Between Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese, US Patent No.: 9,311,302.
2. [2017, 朱純深、郝天永] 簡繁中文轉換中的標識追蹤方法及裝置 (Multi-mode Color Marking Scheme for Conversion Tracking in Simplified-Traditional Chinese Character), PRC Patent No.: ZL 201210207765.3. (CityU No. PWG/PA/275/1/2012)
3. [2017, 朱純深、郝天永] 標點符號轉換方法及裝置 (A method for differentiating and processing multilingual punctuation marks in Chinese character conversion, ), PRC Patent No.: ZL 201210200998.0.
4. [2017, 朱純深、郝天永] 生成簡繁轉換模板及基於模板進行簡繁轉換的方法、系統 (A pattern-based method for Simplified-Traditional Chinese character conversion). PRC Patent No.: ZL 201210284530.4.
Software programmes:
1. [2016, 郝天永、朱純深] PCCCP專業中文簡繁轉換系統. 登記號:2016SR284999. 中華人民共和國國家版權局, 軟著登字第1463616號.
2. [2017, 郝天永、夏芳、朱純深] 標注助手-文本語義標注平臺v2.3. 登記號:2017SR328797. 中華人民共和國國家版權局, 軟著登字第1914081號.