Translation Studies, Poetics, Applied Linguistics, Stylistics, Machine-aided Teaching of Translation
1. [1998, tr.] 《短篇小說寫作指南》, Handbook of Short Story Writing. The original published by Writer's Digest, Cincinnati. Shenyang: Liaoning Education.
2. [2001, 2008] 《翻譯探微 – 語言, 文本, 詩學》New Perspectives on Translation: Words, Texts, Poetics. Taipei: Bookman; Nanjing: Yilin.
3. [2004, tr.]《(漢英對照中國古典詩歌配畫選讀之四) 古意新聲 · 品賞本》(Ancient Voices: A Renewed Sound – A collection for appreciation). Annotated translations in Modern Chinese and English, published with the classical originals and traditional Chinese paintings. Volume 4. Wuhan: Hubei Education.
4. [2008, 2015, 2017, 2022, tr.] 《自深深處》. Bilingual editions with the original text De Profundis by Oscar Wilde (2008, 2015, 2017) and monolingual edition (2022). Nanjing: Yilin.
5. [2017, 2019, 2023, tr.] 《夜鶯與玫瑰:王爾德短篇小說及童話全集》. Complete collection of short stories and fairy tales by Oscar Wilde. 大星(上海)文化傳媒有限公司/浙江文藝出版社(2017); 大星/中信出版集團(2019);臺北:時報文化出版公司(2019) . 《夜鶯與玫瑰:王爾德童話全集》. 浙江文藝出版社 (2023).
7. [2022, tr.] 《浮生瑣記》(with English original All Trivia by Logan Pearsall Smith). Nanjing: Yilin Press.
8. [2024] Zhu, Chunshen and Jiang, Chengzhi (eds.) Of Mind and Machine: Textual accountability in translation and for translator training. London and New York: Routledge.
Research articles (selected):
1. [1992] 'Chinese Puzzles: Practical aesthetics of translation'. In British Journal of Aesthetics, 32:1, 59-71.
2. [1996] 'From Functional Grammar and Speech Act Theory to Structure of Meaning: a three-dimensional perspective on translating'. In META: Translators' Journal, No. 41.3, 338-355.
3. [1996] 'Translation of Modifications: about information, intention and effect'. In Target: International Journal of Translation Studies, No. 8.2, 301-324.
4. [1996] 'Syntactic status of the agent and information presentation in translating the passive between Chinese and English'. In Multilingua: Journal of cross-cultural and interlanguage communication, No. 15.4, 397-417.
5. [1999] 'UT Once More: The sentence as the key functional Unit of Translation'. In META: Translators' Journal, 44-3. 429-447.
6. [1999] 'Integration of Form and Content for Communication through Translation: With reference to pronouns in Chinese discourse'. In Multilingua: Journal of cross-cultural and interlanguage communication, No. 18.1. 69-88.
7. [2000] 'Perception and Cognition in Translating Chinese Landscape Poetry: A case study of Liu Zongyuan's poem River Snow'. In TTR, XII-1 (1999), 167-189.
8. [2000] 〈走出誤區 踏進世界 - 中國譯學: 反思與前瞻〉(A Critical Review of Chinese Translation Studies: Towards a globalized perspective). In Chinese Translators Journal. No.1, 2000. 2-9.
9. [2002] 'Translation: Theories, Practice and Teaching'. In Eva Hung (ed.) Teaching Translation and Interpreting 4: Building Bridges, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 19-30.
10. [2004]〈從句法像似性與「異常」句式的翻譯看文學翻譯中的文體意識〉(Stylistic awareness in literary translation: syntactic iconicity and the translation of ‘extraordinary’ sentences). In Chinese Translators Journal. 25:1. 28-35.
11. [2004, 朱純深、吳旭東] 〈英語是非問句漢譯個案研究〉 (Form, context and function, and their implications for language training in translator education: A case study of Chinese translation of English yes/no questions). In Foreign Language Teaching and Research. 36:2. 137-143.
12. [2004, 2016] ‘Repetition and Signification: A study of textual accountability and perlocutionary effect in literary translation’. In Target 16:2. 227-252. 〈重复与表意——论文学翻译中的文本关照与言后效果〉. Translated by 王道元. In Translation Horizons (《翻译界》), I. 23-45.
13. [2005] ‘Translation Studies in China or Chinese-related Translation Studies: Defining Chinese Translation Studies’. In Babel, 50:4. 332-345.
14. [2005] 'Accountability in translation within and beyond the sentence as the key functional UT: Three case studies'. META: Translators' Journal, 50:1, 312-335.
15. [2007, in Chinese]〈子之矛乎?子之盾乎?有關翻譯研究學術話語弊病之我見〉(checklist for discoursal flaws in research writing on translation studies). In Chinese Translators Journal. 28:5. 37-41.
16. [2009, Hui WANG and Chunshen ZHU] ‘Discursive Mediation in Translation: Representation of the Harry Wu topic in the Chinese translations of Living History'. META: Translators' Journal. 54:4. 684-703.
17. [2010, Chunshen ZHU and Po-Ching YIP] ‘ClinkNotes: Towards a corpus-based, machine-aided programme of translation teaching'. META: Translators' Journal 55:2. 387-408.
18. [2010] 〈從詞義連貫、隱喻連貫與意象聚焦看詩歌意境之「出」—以李商隱《夜雨寄北》詩及其英譯為例〉(Imagery focalization and the profiling of a poetic world: From semantic to metaphorical coherence and beyond with special reference to Li Shangyin's A Missive of Night Rain to the North). Translated by 崔英. In Chinese Translators Journal, 31:1. 57-64.
19. [2011, Chunshen ZHU and Xudong WU] ‘A Study of Yes/No Questions in English and Chinese: With special reference to Chinese EFL learners' understanding of their forms and functions'. Journal of Pragmatics 43:2. 632-647.
20. [2011, Chunshen ZHU and Hui WANG] ‘A Corpus-based, Machine-Aided Mode of Translator Training: ClinkNotes and beyond'. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 5:2. 269-91.
21. [2011, 朱純深、張峻峰] 〈「不折騰」的不翻譯:零翻譯、陌生化與話語解釋權〉(No-translation for 不折騰: zero-translation, defamiliarization and discursive empowerment). Chinese Translators Journal 32:1. 68-72.
22. [2011, Tianyong HAO and Chunshen ZHU] ‘Simplified-Traditional Chinese Character Conversion Based on Multi-Data Resources: Towards a Fused Conversion Algorithm’, IJACT: International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology 3:7. 317-25.
23. [2011, Yameng LIU and Chunshen ZHU] ‘Rhetoric as the Antistrophos of Pragmatics: Toward a “Competition of Cooperation” in the Study of Language Use’, Journal of Pragmatics. 43:14. 3403-3415.
24. [2012] 〈一「名」之立:讀/譯散文《讀畫》– The Reading of a Painting〉 (Naming, Over-naming, Pure Language: Reading/Translating《读画》—The Reading of a Painting). In Chinese Translators Journal, 33:2. 18-26.
25. [2012, 王惠、朱純深]〈翻譯教學語料庫的標註及應用 – 「英文財經報道中文翻譯及註釋語料庫」介紹〉(Corpus construction and translation teaching: a report on the annotated corpus of English financial reports and Chinese translations). In Foreign Language Teaching and Research. 44:2. 246-255.
26. [2012, Tianyong HAO, Yuanyuan MU, and Chunshen ZHU] ‘A Pattern-based Annotation Transformation Schema for Knowledge Exchange’. In International Journal of Information and Education Technology. 2:3. 247-250.
27. [2013, Tianyong HAO and Chunshen ZHU] ‘Towards a Professional Platform for Chinese Character Conversion’. ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing, 12:1. 1-22.
28. [2013, 朱純深、慕媛媛]〈以文本解釋力為導向的語料庫翻譯教學―香港城大翻譯與雙語寫作線上教學/自學平臺的設計與試用分析〉(Towards a textual accountability-driven mode of teaching and (self-)learning for translation and bilingual writing: With special reference to a CityU on-line teaching platform). In Chinese Translators Journal, 34:2. 57-63.
29. [2013, 慕媛媛、朱純深]〈在線翻譯與雙語寫作教學/自學平臺建設中的語料精加工〉(In-Depth Data Processing in Constructing an Online Platform for Teaching/Self-Learning of E-C Translation and Bilingual Writing). In《當代外語研究》(Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies), (2013):1. 56-62.
30. [2015, 劉亞猛、朱純深]〈國際譯評與中國文學在域外的「活躍存在」〉(International Criticism of Translation and Chinese Literature’s Active Presence Overseas). In Chinese Translators Journal, 36:1. 5-12.
31. [2015, 朱純深、鄢秀] 〈從言語行為理論看「釋意」與「達意」:口譯的言語行為本質及其對譯員訓練的意義〉(Realization and communication of the “sense” in interpreting: A study of interpreting and interpreter training from the perspective of speech act theory). In Chinese Translators Journal, 36:2. 42-48.
32. [2015, Chunshen ZHU and Junfeng ZHANG] ‘Dancing with Ideology: Grammatical Metaphor and Identity Presentation in Translation’. In META: Translators' Journal 60:3. 387-405.
33. [2016] ‘Towards a yin-yang poetics of translation: Tai Chi pushing hands, hao-ran zhi qi, and pure language’. Douglas Robinson (ed.) The Pushing Hands of Translation and its Theory: In Memoriam Martha Cheung, 1953-2013. Routledge. 60-81.
34. [2016, Tianyong HAO, Chunshen ZHU, Yuanyuan MU and Gang LIU] ‘A user-oriented semantic annotation approach to knowledge acquisition and conversion'. Journal of Information Science. 1-19 (online first).
35. [2017] ‘The Chinese Tradition of Translation Studies: Review, reconstruction and modernisation’. Chapter One in Routledge Handbook of Chinese Translation, Chris Shei and Zhao-Ming Gao (eds.). Routledge.
36. [2018, Chengzhi JIANG and Chunshen ZHU] ‘Bilingual and Cross-Modal Representation of Distance(s) in Chinese Landscape Painting: From Yi (“Meaning”) to Yi (“Freedom”)'. Accepted by Semiotica: Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies.
37. [2019, translated and revised from 33 above] ‘翻譯的陰陽詩學——太極推手、浩然之氣、純語言’. 《中國翻譯》issue 2, 2019. 5-16.
38. [2019] ‘Translating literarily: From cognition to creation’.《翻譯研究與教學》, issue 2 (I), 2019. 5-14.
39. [2020, Lu TIAN
and Chunshen ZHU] ‘Making Connections Through Knowledge Nodes in Translator
Training: On a Computer-assisted Pedagogical Approach to Literary Translation’. International Journal of Translation, Interpretation,
and Applied Linguistics, 2:2, 15-29.
Patented technologies:
1. [2016, Chunshen Zhu and Tianyong Hao] Method, System and Medium for Character Conversion Between Different Regional Versions of a Language Especially Between Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese, US Patent No.: 9,311,302.
2. [2017, 朱純深、郝天永] 簡繁中文轉換中的標識追蹤方法及裝置 (Multi-mode Color Marking Scheme for Conversion Tracking in Simplified-Traditional Chinese Character), PRC Patent No.: ZL 201210207765.3. (CityU No. PWG/PA/275/1/2012)
3. [2017, 朱純深、郝天永] 標點符號轉換方法及裝置 (A method for differentiating and processing multilingual punctuation marks in Chinese character conversion, ), PRC Patent No.: ZL 201210200998.0.
4. [2017, 朱純深、郝天永] 生成簡繁轉換模板及基於模板進行簡繁轉換的方法、系統 (A pattern-based method for Simplified-Traditional Chinese character conversion). PRC Patent No.: ZL 201210284530.4.
Software programmes:
1. [2016, 郝天永、朱純深] PCCCP專業中文簡繁轉換系統. 登記號:2016SR284999. 中華人民共和國國家版權局, 軟著登字第1463616號.
2. [2017, 郝天永、夏芳、朱純深] 標注助手-文本語義標注平臺v2.3. 登記號:2017SR328797. 中華人民共和國國家版權局, 軟著登字第1914081號.