
Xiaolu Zhuo earned her B.Sc. degree in physics from Sun Yat-sen University and her Ph.D. degree in physics from the Department of Physics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong under the supervision of Prof. Jianfang Wang. She conducted her postdoctoral research at CIC biomaGUNE (Spain) as a Juan de la Cierva fellow under the supervision of Prof. L. M. Liz-Marzán. She joined the School of Science and Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) as an Assistant Professor in 2022. Her research interests include the synthesis of metallic/dielectric nanoparticles, their optical properties, and their applications.


(1) Synthesis of novel plasmonic nanoparticles, especially chiral plasmonic nanoparticles

(2) Light manipulation with plasmonic and dielectric nanoparticles

(3) Light-matter interactions and surface-enhanced spectroscopies

(4) Self-assembly technology of nanoparticles


Selective publications (#equal contribution, *corresponding author):

14.      X. Zhuo,* D. Vila-Liarte, S. Wang, D. Jimenez de Aberasturi, L. M. Liz-Marzán.* Coated chiral plasmonic nanorods with enhanced structural stability. Chem. Mater., 35, 5689–5698 (2023).

13.     X. Cui,# Q. Ruan,# X. Zhuo,# X. Xia, J. Hu, R. Fu, Y. Li, J. Wang,* H. Xu.* Photothermal nanomaterials: A powerful light-to-heat converter. Chem. Rev. 123, 6891–6952 (2023).

12.      X. Zhuo,* M. Mychinko, W. Heyvaert, D. Larios, M. Obelleiro-Liz, J. M. Taboada, S. Bals, L. M. Liz-Marzán.* Morphological and optical transitions during micelle-seeded chiral growth on gold nanorods. ACS Nano, 16, 19281–19292 (2022).

11.      X. Zhuo,#* S. Li,# N. Li,# X. Cheng, Y. Lai, J. Wang,* Mode-dependent energy exchange between near- and far-field through silicon-supported single silver nanorods, Nanoscale, 14, 8362–8373 (2022).

10.      X. Zhuo* V. Kumar, T. H. Chow, J. Wang, L. M. Liz-Marzán, Synthesis and functionalization of anisotropic silver nanoparticles, Vol 2: Plasmonic nanoparticles: synthesis and (bio)functionalization, pp 349–396, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (2022). 

9.      X. Zhuo,* L. N. Quan,* Q. Dong,* Horizons community board collection: Optical and photonic materials, Nanoscale Horiz. 6, 936–938 (2021).

8.         X. Zhuo, M. Henriksen-Lacey, D. Jimenez de Aberasturi, A. Sánchez-Iglesias, L. M. Liz-Marzán,* Shielded silver nanorods for bioapplications, Chem. Mater. 32, 5879–5889 (2020).

7.         X. Zhuo, H. K. Yip, X. Cui, J. Wang,* H.-Q. Lin, Colour routing with single silver nanorods, Light: Sci. Appl. 8, 39 (2019).

6.         X. Zhuo,# X. Cheng,# Y. Guo, H. Jia, Y. Yu, J. Wang,* Chemically synthesized electromagnetic metal oxide nanoresonators, Adv. Opt. Mater. 7, 1900396 (2019).

5.        C. K. K. Choi,# Y. T. E. Chiu,# X. Zhuo,# Y. Liu, C. Y. Pak, X. Liu, Y.-L. S. Tse, J. Wang, C. H. J. Choi,* Dopamine-mediated assembly of citrate-capped plasmonic nanoparticles into stable core-shell nanoworms for intracellular applications, ACS Nano 13, 5864–5884 (2019).

4.         X. Zhuo, H. K. Yip, Q. Ruan, T. Zhang, X. Zhu, J. Wang,* H.-Q. Lin, J.-B. Xu, Z. Yang, Broadside nanoantennas made of single silver nanorods. ACS Nano 12, 1720–1731 (2018).

3.         N. Li,# H. Yin,# X. Zhuo,* B. Yang, X. Zhu, J. Wang,* Infrared-responsive colloidal silver nanorods for surface-enhanced infrared absorption. Adv. Opt. Mater. 6, 1800436 (2018).

2.         C. K. K. Choi,# X. Zhuo,# Y. T. E. Chiu, H. Yang, J. Wang, C. H. J. Choi,* Polydopamine-based concentric nanoshells with programmable architectures and plasmonic properties. Nanoscale 9, 16968–16980 (2017).

1.         X. Zhuo, X. Zhu, Q. Li, Z. Yang,* J. Wang,* Gold nanobipyramid-directed growth of length-variable silver nanorods with multipolar plasmon resonances. ACS Nano 9, 7523–7535 (2015).

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