
Prof. Zongbo Huang joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen in 2017. He is currently an associate professor of finance. He was awarded his Ph.D. in Economics by Princeton University. His research in macro-finance and banking has been published in prestigious journals, including the Journal of Finance, Management Science, and Review of Finance, and supported by the NSFC Young Scientist Fund. 

My CVSSRN author page, Google Scholar pageResearch Statement, and Teaching Statement

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1. Quantifying Reduced-Form Evidence on Collateral Constraints [Abstract] [Paper]

with Sylvain CatherineThomas ChaneyDavid Sraer, and David Thesmar

Journal of Finance, 2022

2. The Risk of Implicit Guarantees: Evidence from Shadow Banks in China [Abstract] [Paper]

with Xiang Shao and Ji Huang

Review of Finance, 2023

3. Asset-side Bank Runs and Liquidity Rationing: A Vicious Cycle [Abstract] [Paper]

Management Science, Accepted

4. Security-bid Auctions with Information Acquisition [Abstract] [Paper] 

with Yunan Li

Revise and Resubmit at Review of Financial Studies

Selected presentations: Royal Economic Society(2021), SWFA(2021), Econometric Society North America Meeting(2021), Econometric Society China Meeting(2021)

5. [NEW] The Implicit Guarantee Channel: How Policy Uncertainty Affects Shadow Banks [Abstract] [Paper]

with Xiang Shao and Ji Huang

6. Dynamic Optimal Taxation with Endogenous Skill Premia [Abstract] [Paper] with Jason Ravit and Michael Sockin

7. Haircuts and Credit Risk over the Cycle [Abstract]