Zongbo HUANG


Zongbo HUANG

Associate Professor

Education Background:
PhD in Economics, Princeton University
MA in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Toulouse School of Economics
BA in Economics, Fudan University
Teaching Area



Corporate Finance, Banking, Macro-finance

Personal Website

1. Quantifying Reduced-Form Evidence on Collateral Constraints [Abstract] [Paper]

with Sylvain CatherineThomas ChaneyDavid Sraer, and David Thesmar

Journal of Finance, 2022

2. The Risk of Implicit Guarantees: Evidence from Shadow Banks in China [Abstract] [Paper]

with Xiang Shao and Ji Huang

Review of Finance, 2023

3. Asset-side Bank Runs and Liquidity Rationing: A Vicious Cycle [Abstract] [Paper]

Management Science, Accepted

4. Security-bid Auctions with Information Acquisition [Abstract] [Paper] 

with Yunan Li

Revise and Resubmit at Review of Financial Studies

Selected presentations: Royal Economic Society(2021), SWFA(2021), Econometric Society North America Meeting(2021), Econometric Society China Meeting(2021)

5. [NEW] The Implicit Guarantee Channel: How Policy Uncertainty Affects Shadow Banks [Abstract] [Paper]

with Xiang Shao and Ji Huang

6. Dynamic Optimal Taxation with Endogenous Skill Premia [Abstract] [Paper] with Jason Ravit and Michael Sockin

7. Haircuts and Credit Risk over the Cycle [Abstract]