Assistant Professor
Global Studies
International Political Economy
Journal Articles
Malkin, A. (Forthcoming 2021). The Made in China Challenge to US Structural Power: Industrial Policy, Intellectual Property and Multinational Corporations. Review of International Political Economy.
Malkin, A. (2019). Challenging the liberal international order by chipping away at US Structural power: China’s state-guided investment in technology and finance in Russia. Cambridge Review of International Affairs.
Eichengreen, B., Lombardi, D., & Malkin, A. (2018). Multilayered Governance and the International Financial Architecture: The Erosion of Multilateralism in International Liquidity Provision. Global Policy, 9, 7-20.
Lombardi, M. and Malkin, A. (2017). Domestic Politics and External Financial Liberalization in China: The Capacity and Fragility of External Market Pressure. Journal of Contemporary China 26 (108).
Boughton, J. M., Lombardi, D., & Malkin, A. (2017). The Limits of Global Economic Governance after the 2007–09 International Financial Crisis. Global Policy, 8(4), 30-41.
Malkin, A., & Momani, B. (2016). An Effective Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: A Bottom Up Approach. Global Policy, 7(4): 521-530.
Helleiner, Eric and Anton Malkin. “Sectoral Interests and Global Money: Renminbi, Dollars and the Domestic Foundations of International Currency Policy.” Open Economies Review 23(1): 33-55.
Malkin, A., & Momani, B. (2011). Emerging powers and IMF reform: Where Multipolarity In The World Economy Is Leading The Fund. St Antony's International Review, 7(1): 61-78.
Working papers
Malkin, A. (March 2020). Beyond ‘Forced’ Technology Transfers: Analysis and Recommendations for Engaging China on Foreign Technology Acquisition and Intangible Economy Governance. Centre for International Governance Innovation.
Malkin, A. (2018). "Made in China 2025 as a Challenge in Global Trade Governance: Analysis and Recommendations." CIGI Paper No. 183. Centre for International Governance Innovation.
Book Chapters
Malkin, A. (Under Revision, forthcoming 2021) Self-Reliance Through Global Integration: Made in China 2025 and the Global Intangible Economy. Innovation and China's Global Emergence. Singapore: NUS Press.
Malkin, A. and Momani, B. (2019). Common Interests and Intersecting Goals: China’s Growing Commitment to the IMF and Vice Versa. Handbook on the International Political Economy of China. Edward Elgar. Ka Zeng (Ed). Pp. 298-311. Northampton: Edward Elgar.
Malkin and Li (2019). You Can Check in Any Time You Like, But You Can (Almost) Never Leave: The Politics of China’s Financial Market Opening. Handbook on the International Political Economy of China. Edward Elgar. Ka Zeng (Ed). Pp. 170-189. Northampton: Edward Elgar.
Zhang, L. and Malkin A (2016). Foreign Investment and Business in China: The Present and the Future. In Moving Forward: 45 Years of Canada-China Relations. Asif B. Farooq and Scott B. McNight (Eds.). Pp. 56-65. University of Toronto Press.
Ziemba, R. and Malkin A. (2011). The GCC’s International Investment Dynamics: the role of Sovereign Wealth Funds. In Shifting Geo-Economic Power of the Gulf: Oil, Finance and Institutions. Matteo Legrenzi and Bessma Momani (Eds). Pp. 109-125. Ashgate.