
Professor Anton Malkin received his PhD in Global Governance from the Balsillie School of International Affairs (a joint program from the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University), in Canada. Anton has advised the Canadian government on China-Canada economic relations and China’s innovation policies. His research has been published in the Review of International Political Economy, The Journal of Contemporary China, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, and Global Policy. His current research examines the impact of US-China technological rivalry on China’s ICT firms, as well as the unique role of foreign and government capital in China’s venture capital sector. From 2016 to 2020 Anton was a Research Fellow at Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI). From 2012 to 2013, Anton was a senior visiting scholar at the School of International Studies at Peking University.


Anton Malkin's research focuses on the relationship between China's industrial policies and multinational corporations, examining how this relationship impacts global finance and intellectual property.

Research topics:

International Political Economy

Structural Power

Industrial Policy

Global Governance

Intellectual Property

Global Finance


Journal Articles

Malkin, A. (Forthcoming 2021). The Made in China Challenge to US Structural Power: Industrial Policy, Intellectual Property and Multinational Corporations. Review of International Political Economy.


Malkin, A. (2019). Challenging the liberal international order by chipping away at US Structural power: China’s state-guided investment in technology and finance in Russia. Cambridge Review of International Affairs.


Eichengreen, B., Lombardi, D., & Malkin, A. (2018). Multilayered Governance and the International Financial Architecture: The Erosion of Multilateralism in International Liquidity Provision. Global Policy, 9, 7-20.

Lombardi, M. and Malkin, A. (2017). Domestic Politics and External Financial Liberalization in China: The Capacity and Fragility of External Market Pressure. Journal of Contemporary China 26 (108).

Boughton, J. M., Lombardi, D., & Malkin, A. (2017). The Limits of Global Economic Governance after the 2007–09 International Financial Crisis. Global Policy, 8(4), 30-41.

Malkin, A., & Momani, B. (2016). An Effective Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: A Bottom Up Approach. Global Policy, 7(4): 521-530.


Helleiner, Eric and Anton Malkin. “Sectoral Interests and Global Money: Renminbi, Dollars and the Domestic Foundations of International Currency Policy.” Open Economies Review 23(1): 33-55.


Malkin, A., & Momani, B. (2011). Emerging powers and IMF reform: Where Multipolarity In The World Economy Is Leading The Fund. St Antony's International Review, 7(1): 61-78.



Working papers


Malkin, A. (March 2020). Beyond ‘Forced’ Technology Transfers: Analysis and Recommendations for Engaging China on Foreign Technology Acquisition and Intangible Economy Governance. Centre for International Governance Innovation.

Malkin, A. (2018). "Made in China 2025 as a Challenge in Global Trade Governance: Analysis and Recommendations." CIGI Paper No. 183.  Centre for International Governance Innovation.



Book Chapters


Malkin, A. (Under Revision, forthcoming 2021) Self-Reliance Through Global Integration: Made in China 2025 and the Global Intangible Economy. Innovation and China's Global Emergence. Singapore: NUS Press.

Malkin, A. and Momani, B. (2019). Common Interests and Intersecting Goals: China’s Growing Commitment to the IMF and Vice Versa. Handbook on the International Political Economy of China. Edward Elgar. Ka Zeng (Ed). Pp. 298-311. Northampton: Edward Elgar.


Malkin and Li (2019). You Can Check in Any Time You Like, But You Can (Almost) Never Leave: The Politics of China’s Financial Market Opening. Handbook on the International Political Economy of China. Edward Elgar. Ka Zeng (Ed). Pp. 170-189. Northampton: Edward Elgar.


Zhang, L. and Malkin A (2016). Foreign Investment and Business in China: The Present and the Future. In Moving Forward: 45 Years of Canada-China Relations. Asif B. Farooq and Scott B. McNight (Eds.). Pp. 56-65. University of Toronto Press.


Ziemba, R. and Malkin A. (2011). The GCC’s International Investment Dynamics: the role of Sovereign Wealth Funds. In Shifting Geo-Economic Power of the Gulf: Oil, Finance and Institutions. Matteo Legrenzi and Bessma Momani (Eds). Pp. 109-125.  Ashgate.