Aurelien BOUCHER


Aurelien BOUCHER

Assistant Professor (Teaching)

Education Background:
Phd in Sociology (Nantes University, FRANCE)
--Thesis title: “Table tennis top-level athletes training system and reform in contemporary China: From Mao’s oblate to self-made man”.

MA in Sociology, in Sociology (Nantes University, FRANCE)
--Thesis title: “From official discourse to unofficial interest: An analysis of a local sport administration policy”
Office Address

Zhixin 420

Teaching Area

General Education


Researchgate: ORCID:


Sport labor, social stratification, sociology of knowledge



Boucher, A. (2008). La Naissance du Sport en Chine, Paris: Publibook. (English Title: The birth of sport in China.)


Articles in peer review journals:

Boucher A. (2023).The Contributions of Asia-located Sport Sociologists and Historians to the Global Economy of Knowledge: A Scoping Review. Asian Journal of Sport History & Culture. (accepted - forthcoming)

Tian L and Boucher A. (2023).Consolidating temporal effects on aesthetical practices: Evidence from China. Poetics, 98.

Boucher A. (2023). Age-faking and match-fixing: how table tennis trainers and players face gold-medal pressure in China. Deviant Behavior, 44(5),708-722

Boucher A. and Pope S. (2022).  Without a Red Leader’s Fan: A Connected History of the Emergence of Table Tennis as China’s National Sport, Asian Journal of sport History & Culture, 1 (1), 40-58.

Boucher A., Li Y. and Shao X. (2021). Being a golf trainer in China: The life of an artist? International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 16 (4), 1021-1034.


Tian LY and Boucher A. (2021). Stratifying lifestyle and social class in urban China. Chinese Sociological Review, 53 (2), 186-221. 

Boucher A and Shao XY. (2020). Precariousness on the Green: The Labor Situation of Chinese Golf Trainers. Journal of Sport and Social Issues. 2020;44(4):316-335. 

Boucher A.(2019). When sport performance meets market socialism. Revue Européenne des sciences sociales. Vol 57-2, Issue 2, 259-287

Boucher A. (2018)What If Social Science Methods Had No Homeland? Detour via a Sociohistory of the Chinese State through Its Archives. China Perspectives. 2018/4:11-19.” 

Boucher A. (2017). Les archives de la République Populaire de Chine: Raisonner sur et raisonner avecHistoire Sociale/Social History, vol ., n°101. English title: P.R.China’s archives: reasoning on and reasoning with.

Boucher.A (2013). Penser l’école à travers le sport (et vis versa). Statégies scolaires et engagement sportifs des pongistes chinois. Cahiers de Recherches sur l’Education et les Savoirs, n°14, 227-244. English title: Think sport through school and vice-versa. Education strategies and sport career of Chinese table tennis players.

Boucher, A. (2010). Les Usages politiques des politiques publiques et des enquêtes sociologiques. L’instrumentalisation d’une politique sportive départementale et de son évaluation. Sport et sciences sociales, n°3, 157-192. English title: The political use of public policy and of their evaluation. The case of a local sport policy and of its evaluation

Boucher, A. (2008). The introduction of sport in ChinaChina Perspectives, 2008-01, 50-56.


Book chapter:

Boucher A.(2023). Sport Commerce and Event Management in the Global Commodity Chains. in Fan Hong and Liu Li, Routledge Handbook of Sport in China (pp-339-344). London: Routledge

Boucher.A (2014). Zhongfa hezuo xiangmu_Qinghua daxue zhongfa zhongxin yunzuo ji guanli in Zhang Lihua & Wang Liang. Zhongguo wenhua waijiao ji yingxiang (pp.218-227). Beijing : Zhizhi chanquan chuban she

Boucher, A. (2011). Servir la population et/ou servir les élus : comment les cadres territoriaux se représentent-ils leur action ? in Mollet, F. Servir: Engagement, dévouement, asservissement les ambiguités du lien social. (pp.81-92). Paris : L’Harmattan .

English Title: Serve people or serve politician: How local government officer define their own work?


Book review:

Boucher A. (2018). Review of Laurence Roulleau Berger, “Post-western Revolution in Sociology”, for Theory Culture & Society. 

Boucher A. (2013). Lu Xueyi, Li Peilin, Chen Guangjin (eds.), 2013 nian Zhongguo shehui xingshi fenxi yu yuce (Analyses and projections for Chinese society in 2013), China perspectives, 2013/3, 101-102.