CHEN Liangliang


CHEN Liangliang


Education Background:
BA (Fudan University)
MPhil (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
PhD (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)



Classical drama, Ming-Qing Literature, Kunqu Opera, Neo-Confucianism


Academic Articles

1.“The Representation of Southern Ming Loyalties in Qianjia Dramas: Qu Shisi and He Guilai乾嘉戏曲中的南明忠臣再现:瞿式耜与《鹤归来》,in Journal of Guizhou University (Arts) 贵州大学学报(艺术版). To be published.

2.“A Study of the Manuscripts of Shen Qifeng’s Four Plays: The Full-story Performance of Kunqu since the Qianjia Period” 沈起鳳《紅心詞客四種曲》鈔本考述:兼論乾嘉以降崑曲全本戲演出, in Xiqu yu suwenxue yanjiu戲曲與俗文學研究. Beijing: Beijing shehui kexue,北京:社会科学文献出版社,Volume 6(2018.12). P.150-169

3.“Ritual, Memory and Social Order: An Exploration of the Relationship between Qing Literati Plays and Local Society” 儀式、記憶與秩序:清文人戲曲與地方社會關係之探索, in Chinese Studies漢學研究, Taipei, 33:3(2015.09).P. 275-306.

4.“Unjust Emperor on Stage: Narration on ‘Jingnan’ in Wuxia Bi and its Performance in the Palace Court” 粉墨帝王:《無瑕璧》的靖難演義及其宮廷演出, in Mingqing yanjiu luncong: II 明清研究論叢第二輯, Shanghai: Shanghai guji, 2015. P. 125-149.

5.“The Moral Reflection in Jiang Shiquan’s Plays: From Konggu Xiang to Xiangzu Lou論蔣士銓作品中的道德思考:從《空谷香》到《香祖樓》in Yunhan xuekan雲漢學刊, Tainan, 25 (2012.08). P.122-140.

Selected Conference Papers:

1.“The Rewriting and Appropriation of the ‘Qing’ Discourse of Late-Ming in Mid-Qing Plays” 清中葉戲曲對晚明情論的改寫與挪用. International Conference on the Discourse of Highbrow/Lowbrow in the Tradition of Chinese Literature「對立與融合:中國文學傳統中的雅和俗」國際學術工作坊. The Chinese University of Hong Kong. May 17-19, 2018.

2.“Erotic Performance? Performing as an Art in the Urban Culture of High Qing” 表演情色城市文化景觀中的戲曲技藝. International Conference on The Ming and Qing in the 21st Century: New Discoveries, New Perspectives, and New Horizons. The University of Hong Kong. October 20-21, 2017.

3.“Dream of the Red Chamber and the ‘Yanqing’ Tradition of Chinese Drama” 《紅樓夢》與中國戲曲的言情傳統. The 1st World Conference for Chinese Studies. Witten/Herdecke University, North Rhine-Westphalia. Aug 19-20, 2017.

4.“A Study of Shen Qifeng’s Four Plays: The Full-story Performance of Kunqu since the Qianjia Period” 沈起鳳的戲曲創作及其梨園鈔本兼論乾嘉時期的崑曲全本戲演出, International Conference on Chinese Drama and Vernacular Literature戲曲與俗文學國際研討會, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou. Aug 12-13, 2017.

5.“From Text to Court Performance: The Legendary Narration of ‘Jingnan’ in Wuxia Bi,” 由文人劇本到宮廷演出《無瑕璧》的「靖難演義」. Chinese Oral and Performing Literature, CHINOPERL Conference 2014. Philadelphia. Mar 27, 2014.

6.“Ritual, Memory and Social Order: An Exploration of the Relationship between Qing Literati Plays and Local Society” 儀式、記憶與秩序清文人戲曲與地方社會關係之探索. 2013 International Conference on Ming-Qing Studies. Academia Sinica, Taipei. Dec 5-6, 2013.

7.“Merit Books and the Use of Religious Enchantment as Cultivating Approach in High-Qing Plays” 善書與清中葉文人戲曲中的「神道設教」. The 8thAnnual Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong. Mar 8-9, 2013.


Academic Translation

Shun, Kwong-loi. “Moral Philosophy and the Tradition of Confucianism”《論語》中的仁與禮, Trans. Chen Liangliang, in Moral Philosophy and the Tradition of Confucianism 道德哲學與儒家傳統. Ed. Fang Dongxu方東旭. Shanghai: Huadong shifan daxue, 2010, P. 160-177. (the original English text is published in Philosophy East & West, 43:3(1993.07), P. 457-480 )


Published Articles:

“A Poet and His Period: The Change in the Meaning of ‘China’ in Yu Kwang-chung’s Writing” 一個詩人和他的時代:余光中筆下「中國」意涵的幾度變遷. The Paper 澎湃, Shanghai, Dec 22nd, 2017.

“From Text to Stage: Pai Hsien-yung on His Cristal Boy” 白先勇談《孽子》:從小說到舞臺,Ming Pao明報, Hong Kong, Apr 10th, 2016.