Assistant Professor
TxB 926
Social computing
Geospatial analytics Environmental health Mobility Socio-spatial inequality
Liu, D., Kan, Z. and Lee, J., 2024. The proposal of a 15-minute city composite index through integrating GPS trajectory data-inferred urban function attraction based on the Bayesian framework. Applied Geography, 173, p.103451.
Liu, D., Kwan, M.P., Yang, Z. and Kan, Z., 2024. Comparing subjective and objective greenspace accessibility: Implications for real greenspace usage among adults. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 96, p.128335.
Liu, D., Kwan, M.P. and Wang, J., 2024. Developing the 15-minute city: A comprehensive assessment of the status in Hong Kong. Travel Behaviour and Society, 34, p.100666.
Liu, D., Kwan, M.P., Kan, Z. and Liu, Y., 2023. Examining individual-level tri-exposure to greenspace and air/noise pollution using individual-level GPS-based real-time sensing data. Social Science & Medicine, p.116040.
Liu, D., Kwan, M.P. and Kan, Z., 2021. Analysis of urban green space accessibility and distribution inequity in the city of Chicago. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, p.127029.