
Prof. Iris W. Hung is Presidential Fellow and Professor of Marketing. Iris obtained her PhD from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2008. She got tenure from the National University of Singapore in 2014 and has been a professor at Fudan University. She also has visiting appointments at the Sloan School of Management at MIT and Duke Kunshan University. Her research focuses on consumer decision making and prosocial behavior. Her research has been featured by media and government organizations such as the Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Bloomberg Business Week, the Psychology Today, and the United States Department of Health and Human Services. She serves on the editorial review board as a co-editor at the International Journal of Research in Marketing (2018-2021), associate editor at the Journal of Consumer Psychology and the International Journal of Research in Marketing, and a reviewer at the Journal of Marketing and the Journal of Consumer Research (2014-2020). 


1. "Reflections from (Past) Editors" (Editorial),P. K. Kannan, Iris W. Hung, and Werner Reinartz,,38(4), December 2021, 805-6

2. "Creative Thinking Facilitates Perspective Taking",Yang, Zheshuai and Iris W. Hung,,120(2), 278–299,2021

3. "Leading IJRM on the path to prominence" (Editorial),Kannan, P. K., Hung, Iris W., Reinartz, Werner, and Stephen, Andrew ,,36(1), 1-2,2019

4. "Mirror, Mirror on the Retail Wall:Self focused Attention Promotes Reliance on Feelings in Consumer Decisions",Chang, H. Hannah and Iris W. Hung,,55, 4, 586-99,2018-8

5. “Effects of Self Relevant Perspective Taking on The Impact of Persuasive Appeals”,Hung, Iris W. and Robert S. Wyer Jr.,,40, 402 14,2014

6. “Lenses of the Heart: How Actor s’ Vs.Observers’ Perspectives Influence Emotional Experiences”,Hung, Iris W. and Anirban Mukhopadhyay,,38(6), 1103 15,2012

7. “Relaxation increases Monetary Valuations”,Pham , Michel T., Iris Hung and Gerald J. Gorn,,48(5), 814-26,2011

8. “From Firm Muscles to Firmed Willpower:Understanding The Role of Embodied Cognition in Self-Regulation",Hung, Iris W. an d Apa rna A. Labroo,,37(6), 1046-64,2011

9. “Shaping Consumer Imaginations: The Role of Self focused Attention in Product Evaluations",Hung, Iris W. and Robert S. Wyer, Jr.,,48(2),381-92,2011

10. "Difference s in Perspective s and the Influence of Charitable Appeals: When Imagining Oneself as the Victim is Not Always Beneficial",Hung, Iris W. and Robert S. Wyer, Jr.,,46(3), 421-34,2009

11. "The impact of implicit theories on responses to problem-solving print advertisements",Iris W. Hung and Robert S. Wyer, Jr. ,,18(3) 223-235,2008

12. Visual and Verbal Processing Strategies in Comprehension and Judgment,Wyer, Robert S. Jr., Iris W. Hung and Yuwei Jiang,,18(4), 244-57 ,2008

13. “Further Consideration of Fundamental Issues in Visual and Verbal Information Processing: A Response to Commentaries”,Wyer, Robert S. Jr., Yuwei Jian g, and Iris W. Hung ,,18 (4), 276-80,2008