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Dr.Lili Wenli Zou WEBSITE
Lili Zou is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the School of Management and Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. She received her Ph.D. degree in Marketing from School of Business, The University of Hong Kong. Her research interests mainly focus on customer-based strategies, including AI-user interaction, crowding management, and customer relationship management.
1. Lili Wenli Zou, Mengxin Li, Cheng Yi, Harry Jiannan Wang,"Digital Resilience to Covid-19: Evidence from the Medical Aesthetics Industry," Production and Operations Management (accepted).
2. Lili Wenli Zou, Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim (2025), "Customer Traffic and Customer Experience: Creating a Contrived Similarity to Address the Crowding Dilemma", International Journal of Research in Marketing, 42, 133-152.
3. Lili Wenli Zou, Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim, Kimmy Wa Chan (2022), "How Firms Can Create Delightful Customer Experience? Contrasting Roles of Future Reward Uncertainty", Journal of Business Research, 147, 477-490.
4. Lili Wenli Zou, Ricky Y.K. Chan (2019), "Why and When Do Consumers Perform Green Behaviors? An Examination of Regulatory Focus and Ethical Ideology", Journal of Business Research, 94, 113-127.
NSFC (No. 71902170) : Customer Crowding Dilemma Management: Role of Incidental Similarity in Alleviating Customers' Perceptions of Crowding, Its Underlying Mechanism, and Boundary Conditions; 180,000RMB, 2020.01-2022.12
广东省自然科学基金面上项目(2514050000789),人工智能推荐与拟人化策略优化:基于角色一致性的探索;150,000RMB; 2025.01-2027.12
Working Papers & Work in Progress:
1. Politeness in AI-Human Communication: Evidence from AI-Based Facial Diagnosis Systems",
with Mengxin Li, Cheng Yi, and Harry J. Wang.
2. Should AI Lie? Evidence from AI-Based Facial Diagnosis Systems", with Mengxin Li, Cheng Yi, and Harry J. Wang.
3. “The Value of Beauty: How Visual Design of Earnings Call Conference Slides Influences Investor Behaviors", with Claudia Townsend, Rui Shen, Jian Zhang, and Xinyu Zhu.
4. "React or Regulate: How Self-Construal Determines the Effect of Social Crowding on Immoral Behaviors", with Yunjia Chi, Fu'e Zeng, Michelle Andrews, Chenglu Wang.
5. "Social Crowding vs. Spatial Crowding: Differential Influences on Customers' Preference for Anthropomorphized Self-Service Technologies", with Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim and Echo W. Wan.
6."Ambidexterity in Professional Services: Impact of Asymmetries between Service and Sales", with Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim, Kimmy Wa Chan, Helen Hailin Zhao, and Yue Yuan.