Dr. LIN Baoyi


Dr. LIN Baoyi

Assistant Professor (Teaching)

Education Background:
PhD in Government and public administration, the CUHK;
MA in Social Policy, the CUHK, Dean's listed

Chinese Politics, Social Governance, Social Organizations


LIN Baoyi. Burden-sharing and Cognition-integration: An Exploratory Study on the Influencing Mechanism of Petition Social Work (in Chinese). Governance Studies, 2024(1). CSSCI. 被人大复印报刊资料《社会工作》2024年第3期转载

(Conference Paper) Responsive Proceduralism and Petition Social Work: Mediating the Legitimacy Dilemma in China. The Ninth Annual AP-PPN (Asian Pacific-Public Policy Network) Conference. Transforming Asia: Fostering Governance and Policy Innovations for Technological, Entrepreneurial, and Sustainable Development. April 25-April 27, 2024. HKUST, Guangzhou. 

(Conference Paper) Unveiling Information Compilation Mechanisms: Social Work's Role in Conflict Resolution(信息编译作用:社会工作促进矛盾纠纷化解的机制探索). 小切口·大问题中文投稿专题研究工作坊. 2023年12月9-10日. 广州. 

(Conference Paper) Research on Social Work Programs for High-Quality Development of Petition System from the Perspective of Integrated Governance(整体性治理视野下信访高质量发展的社会工作方案研究).第二届社科项目申请工作坊. 2023年12月2-3日. 广州. 

(Conference Paper) Civil Organizations, Dual Brokerage, and Political Resilience in China. The Eighth Annual AP-PPN (Asian Pacific-Public Policy Network) Conference. Public Policy in a Turbulent World. May 31-June 2, 2023. HKUST, HK. 

(Conference Paper) How Does Social Work Promote the Performance of Street-level Xinfang System: A Multi-case Comparative Study (社会工作如何提高基层信访的成效:一项多个案比较分析). 第六届清华大学公共管理青年学者论坛“中国式现代化与公共管理变革”. 2023年4月22日.北京. 

(Consulting Report) Research on the Path of Shenzhen's Pioneer Achievement of Socialist Modernization (深圳率先实现社会主义现代化路径研究报告), 15% contribution, led by the Institute for International Affairs, CUHK(SZ). Submitted to Policy Research Office of Shenzhen Municipal Committee (深圳市政研室). 2022. 

(Consulting Report) Exploring Innovative Models of Social Work Intervention in Resolving Grassroots Social Conflicts: A Case Study in Shunde District (顺德区社会工作介入基层社会矛盾纠纷化解创新模式探索). Submitted to the Politics and Law Committee of Shunde District (佛山市顺德区政法委). 2021.


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