Dr. LIN Baoyi


Dr. LIN Baoyi

Assistant Professor (Teaching)

Education Background:
PhD in Government and public administration, the CUHK;
MA in Social Policy, the CUHK, Dean's listed

Chinese Politics, Social Governance, Social Organizations

Research List

粤港澳大湾区高水平人才高地建设研究”. 深圳市哲学社会科学规划一般课题. 金额18万. 编号SZ2024B001. 课题组成员.2024年. 

“德育剧本杀”在《思想道德与法治》课程中的应用:体验式德育的视角. Funded Projects of Teaching Innovation Grant, CUHK(SZ). Co-investigator. 金额8万. 2022. 

“顺德区社会工作介入基层社会矛盾纠纷化解创新模式探索”. Funded Project of Creative Social Governance Research Grant Project of Shunde District (顺德区社会治理创新调研资助计划). Independent Principle. ¥3,5000. 2021. 

Study on the Equilibrium in Education. Funded by the General Research Fund in Hong Kong. Be the research assistant of Prof. Linda LI.