Kuan-yen Liu

Dr. Liu's Talk and Students' Term-Paper Presentation. Harmonia Evening Talks: https://www.sohu.com/a/309019743_780427 Achievements Detail

Kuan-yen Liu

Assistant Professor (Teaching)

Education Background:
Ph.D. Comparative Literature. University of California, Santa Barbara. U.S.A.
B.A. Double Major in English Literature and Philosophy, with Minors in History and Chinese Literature. National Chengchi University, Taiwan.

Teaching Area

(1) Western Philosophy and Literature, (2) Chinese Philosophy and Literature, (3) Comparative Philosophy and Literature, and(4) Science and Technology Studies.


Previous Academic Appointments: (1) The Academic Year of 2016-2017: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow. The Interdisciplinary Humanities Center. University of California, Santa Barbara. U.S.A. (2) The Academic Year of 2016-2017: Lecturer. Comparative Literature. University of California, Santa Barbara. U.S.A.


(1) History and Philosophy of Western Biology (2) Victorian Thought and Literature (1837-1901) (3) Chinese Philosophy and Classics (4) Late-Qing Chinese Thought and Literature (1840-1911) (5) Comparative Philosophy and Literature (6) Translation Studies

Achievements > Achievements Detail
Dr. Liu's Talk and Students' Term-Paper Presentation. Harmonia Evening Talks: https://www.sohu.com/a/309019743_780427

Dr. Liu gave a talk on "Interdisciplinary Humanities & English Academic Writing," and two students presented their term papers written in English for Dr. Liu’s courses on “In Dialogue with Nature” and “In Dialogue with Humanity.”  Harmonia Evening Talk (The Talk in the Harmonia College, CUHKSZ): https://www.sohu.com/a/309019743_780427.