Kuan-yen Liu


Kuan-yen Liu

Assistant Professor (Teaching)

Education Background:
Ph.D. Comparative Literature. University of California, Santa Barbara. U.S.A.
B.A. Double Major in English Literature and Philosophy, with Minors in History and Chinese Literature. National Chengchi University, Taiwan.

Teaching Area

(1) Western Philosophy and Literature, (2) Chinese Philosophy and Literature, (3) Comparative Philosophy and Literature, and(4) Science and Technology Studies.


Previous Academic Appointments: (1) The Academic Year of 2016-2017: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow. The Interdisciplinary Humanities Center. University of California, Santa Barbara. U.S.A. (2) The Academic Year of 2016-2017: Lecturer. Comparative Literature. University of California, Santa Barbara. U.S.A.


(1) History and Philosophy of Western Biology (2) Victorian Thought and Literature (1837-1901) (3) Chinese Philosophy and Classics (4) Late-Qing Chinese Thought and Literature (1840-1911) (5) Comparative Philosophy and Literature (6) Translation Studies

Teaching List
1. Full-Time Lecturer. "History of Chinese Philosophy." Philosophy Minor Program. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Spring 2020 & Spring 2021.
Dr. Liu's Course Description: "This course provides a survey of Chinese philosophy from the Pre-Qin period (pre-221 BC) to the Ming period (1368-1644). The first part of this course examines Pre-Qin philosophers like Confucius, Mencius, Xun Zi, Lao Zi, Zhuang Zi, Hanfei Zi and Mo Zi, and deals with Han (206 BC–220 AD) Confucian Dong Zhongsu and Wei-Jin Metaphysics (220-420). After the mid-term, this course first examines Buddhism with a focus on the Mahāyāna School (Madhyamaka and Yogācāra), three Chinese Buddhist Schools (Tiantai, Huayan and Chan), Xuan Zang’s Consciousness-Only School as well as seminal Buddhist Sutras in China. Next, we investigate Song-Ming Confucianism (960-1276; 1368-1644) with emphasis on Zhou Dunyi, Zhang Zai, Shao Yong, Cheng Hao, Cheng Yi, Zhu Xi, Lu Jiuyuan and Wang Yangming. As to academic approaches, this course concentrates on philosophical analysis as well as combines contextual and textual studies. We study the major works of Chinese philosophers through the following approaches: (1) a solid understanding of the traditional exegesis and the history of classics, hermeneutics and canonization, (2) a study of the contexts of intellectual history and the history of philosophy, (3) an investigation of the values concerning life, society and politics in philosophical texts, and (4), most importantly, an analysis of central concepts, the system of philosophy, the mode of thought and the logic of argumentation. The topics we discuss include the meaning of life, social values, moral philosophy, philosophy of mind, ethics, political philosophy, cosmology, metaphysics, epistemology, religion, intellectual history, history of political culture, etc. The readings of this course are mainly the primary and secondary sources of Chinese philosophy in Chinese" (written by Dr. Liu in Spring 2020 and revised in Spring 2021) 劉博士「中國哲學史」課程大綱:“本课程涵盖中国自先秦洎明代之主要哲学思想。课程前半段,首论先秦之孔子、孟子、荀子、老子、庄子、墨子与韩非子诸家,续探汉儒董仲舒与魏晋玄学。课程后半段,介绍大乘佛教思想(中观之学、唯识之论)、中国佛教三宗(天台宗、法华宗、禅宗)与玄奘法相宗,再厘探宋明儒学发展,聚焦周敦颐、张载、邵雍、程颢、程颐、朱熹、陆九渊与王阳明。 本课程着重哲学问题之探讨与分析,亦结合文本精读与脉络研究,由下列学术视角研析中国哲学主要思想与著作,期许学生 (1)掌握传统注疏与经学史, (2) 理解哲学史与思想史脉络, (3) 探索哲学思想中之人生价值、社会理念与政治蓝图,尤为重要的是 (4)培养对哲学文本中核心概念、哲学体系、思维模式与论证逻辑之解析能力。 课程讨论议题包括人生意义、社会价值、道德哲学、心灵哲学、伦理学、政治哲学、宇宙论、形上学、知识论、宗教、思想史、政治文化史。课程阅读材料包含中国哲学文献原典与重要学术研究,勖勉诸生从不同学术取径与视角研读国故。" (劉博士於2020春季撰寫,並於2021年春季修訂)
2. Full-Time Lecturer. "History and Philosophy of Biology" (or under the title of "History and Philosophy of Science"). Philosophy Minor Program & General Education. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Fall 2019 & Fall 2021.
3. Full-Time Lecturer. “The Problem of Love in Western and Chinese Poetry” (From Ancient to Modern). General Education. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Summer 2019, Fall 2020 & Fall 2021.
4. Full-Time Lecturer. "Man and Society in Western and Chinese Science Fiction." General Education. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Spring 2019 & Spring 2022.
5. Full-Time Lecturer. “In Dialogue with Humanity.” General Education. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Spring 2021 & Spring 2022.
6. Full-Time Lecturer. “In Dialogue with Nature.” General Education. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Winter 2018, Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Spring 2020 & Fall 2020
1. Lecturer. “The Making of the Modern World: Nationalism, Evolutionism, Capitalism and Socialism in Long-Nineteenth-Century Europe—History, Socio-Political Thought and Literature.” Comparative Literature Program. University of California, Santa Barbara. Winter 2017.
2. Lecturer. “Major Works of Asian Literature: Buddhism and Daoism in Classical, Modern and Diasporic Chinese Literature.” Comparative Literature Program. University of California, Santa Barbara. Fall 2016.
3. Pre-Doctoral Instructor. “Major Works of Asian Literature: Identity, Nationalism and Diaspora: Modern Chinese and Sinophone Literatures—Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and America.” Comparative Literature Program. University of California, Santa Barbara. Summer 2014.
4. Pre-Doctoral Instructor. “Major Works of Asian Literature: Introduction to Classical Chinese Literature—Fiction, Poetry, Prose and Drama.” Comparative Literature Program. University of California, Santa Barbara. Summer 2013.
1. Teaching Assistant. “Major Works of European Literature: Classical and Medieval Literature.” Comparative Literature. University of California, Santa Barbara. (seven quarters)
2. Teaching Assistant. “Major Works of European Literature: Renaissance and Neoclassical Literature.” Comparative Literature. University of California, Santa Barbara. (four quarters)
3. Teaching Assistant. “Major Works of European Literature: Romantic and Modern Literature.” University of California, Santa Barbara. (three quarters)