Jiaqi LU


Jiaqi LU

Assistant Professor

Education Background:
Ph.D. in Decision, Risk, and Operations, Columbia University
M.S. in Management Science and Engineering, Columbia University
B.E. in Industrial Engineering and B.A. in English Language, Tsinghua University

Market Design, Supply Chain Management, Customer Relationship Management


1. In Which Matching Markets do Costly Compatibility Inspections Lead to a Deadlock?,Nicole Immorlica, Yash Kanoria and Jiaqi Lu,,to be submitted soon

2. Managing Customer Churn via Service Mode Control,Ilan Lobel, Yash Kanoria and Jiaqi Lu,

3. Sourcing under Volatility: Offshoring, Onshoring or Both?,Awi Federgruen, Zhe Liu and Jiaqi Lu,

4. Combined Pricing and Inventory Control with Multiple Unreliable Suppliers,Awi Federgruen, Zhe Liu and Jiaqi Lu,

5. Sourcing with Uncertain Demand Updates,Awi Federgruen, Zhe Liu and Jiaqi Lu,

6. On the Design of Efficient Emission Permit Allocation Mechanisms,Jiaqi Lu,