WANG Xueshi(王薛时)


WANG Xueshi(王薛时)


Education Background:
B.A. Henan University of Urban Construction
M.A. East China Normal University
Ph.D. Tsinghua University
Joint Ph.D. Harvard University
Office Address



Contemporary Moral Philosophy and Political Theory

National Social Science Fund of China 2022

”Moral Choices: Numbers, Fairness and Minimizing Harm“(grant number 22FZXB098), Principal Investigator (PI). 

Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project of the Ministry of Education 2022

”Allocation of Scarce Critical Care Resources During Major Public Health Emergencies“ (grant number 22YJC720018), Principal Investigator (PI).

National Social Science Fund of China 2020

"Algorithmic Value and Value Algorithm in the Construction of the Concept of Value Community of Human Being and Artificial Intelligence."(grant number 20BZX016), Co-Investigator.