
Dr. XIA Sichen is Assistant Professor (Teaching) at the School of Humanities and Social Science (HSS), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. She holds a PhD from City University of Hong Kong, specializing in genre studies. Dr. Xia also holds the Legal Professional Qualification Certificate awarded by Ministry of Justice of PRC, eligible to practice law in mainland China. She is the lead editor of the Asia-Pacific Language for Specific Purposes & Professional Communication Associationnewsletter (LSPPC News). She serves on the editorial board of ESP Today - Journal of English for Specific Purposes at Tertiary Level.

Her main areas of research include the ESP approach to genre analysis, multimodal discourse analysis, popularization discourse and digital literacy.

Awards and honors
  • 2023
  • 2021
  • 2020
  • 01


    Christopher N. Candlin Award for the Best Paper by Early Career Scholars

  • 02


    Hong Kong Association of Applied Linguistics (HAAL) Postgraduate Student Grant for Overseas Conference

  • 03


    Outstanding Academic Performance Award

  • 04


    Research Tuition Scholarship


Research Monograph

Xia, S. (2023). Popularizing science in the digital era: A multimodal genre perspective on TED Talk Videos. Routledge.

Journal articles

Huang, Q & Xia, S. (Corresponding Author). (2024). Preparing learners for digitally mediated academic communication: Digital multimodal practicein students’ knowledge dissemination videos. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. (SSCI Q1)

Xia, S. (2023). Explaining science to the non-specialist online audience: A multimodal genre analysis of TED talk videos.English for Specific Purposes, 70, 70-85. (SSCI Q1)

Xia, S. (2023).Transcending science in scientific communication: Multimodal strategies to incorporate humanistic perspectives in TED talks on biology.English for Specific Purposes, 71, 60-77. (SSCI Q1)

Xia, S. (2023). Book reviews: Discourses, Modes, Media and Meaning in an Era of Pandemic. Sabine Tan and Marissa K. L. E (Eds.). 

New York and London: Routledge. 2023. Ibérica.  (SSCI Q3)

Hafner, C. A. & Xia, S., (2023). Virtual distance in project work: What we have learned from the pandemic? 

RELC Journal. (SSCI Q1)

Xia, S. A., & Hafner, C. A., (2021). Engaging the online audience in the digital era: A Multimodal analysis of engagement strategies in TED talk videos. Ibérica. Issue 42.  (SSCI Q3)

Xia, S. A. (2020). English for Specific Purposes in the Digital Era: What Has Changed? Interview with Vijay Bhatia. RELC Journal, 51(1), 188-197.  (SSCI Q2)

Xia, S. A. (2020). Genre analysis in the digital era: Developments and challenges. ESP Today, 8(1), 141-159.  (ESCI)

Xia S., Wu J. & Liang J. (2019) ESP Teaching in the Digital Era—A Review of English in the Disciplines: A Multidimensional Model for ESP Course Design. Chinese Journal of ESP, 117-121. 


Edited works  

  • Xia and Hafner. (2023). Newsletter of Asia-Pacific Association of Language for Specific Purposes and Professional Communication Issue 5. 
  • Xia and Hafner. (2022). Newsletter of Asia-Pacific Association of Language for Specific Purposes and Professional Communication Issue 4. 
  • Hafner, Pun and Xia. (2021).Newsletter of Asia-Pacific Association of Language for Specific Purposes and Professional Communication Issue 3. 

Conference presentations 

Speaker, June, 2023, "Incorporating a multimodal perspective in health communication education: A multimodal analysis 

of nursing students’ performance in nurse-patient role-playing", AELFE-LSPPC International Conference, Zaragoza, Spain.

Speaker, June, 2021, Popularizing science in the digital era: A multimodal genre analysis of TED talks, 6th International Conference of Asia-Pacific LSP & Professional Communication Association. City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 

Speaker, Aug, 2019, “Multimodal engagement strategies in scientific popularization: A case study of TED talk videos”, International Conference on Applicable Linguistics and Multimodality, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai   

Speaker, June, 2019, “Engaging the Audience in the Digital Era: A Multimodal Analysis of Engagement Strategies in TED Talk Videos”, Metadiscourse Across Genres Conference, University of Bergamo, Italy