Wenhao Yang


Wenhao Yang

Assistant Professor

Education Background:
Ph.D. in Finance, The University of Utah
M.S. in Finance, The University of Utah
B.A. in Finance, Xiamen University
Teaching Area



Empirical Asset Pricing, Empirical Corporate Finance, Institutional Investors, Experimental Finance

Research List


"The Persistence of Fee Dispersion among Mutual Funds," with Michael Cooper and Michael Halling, forthcoming, The Review of Finance

 "RQ Innovative Efficiency and Firm Value," with Michael Cooper and Anne Marie Knott, forthcoming, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

Working Papers:

1.  "Costly Information Acquisition in Decentralized Markets: An Experiment," with Elena Asparouhova and Peter Bosssaerts 2021
2.  "Institutional Co-Ownership and Competition in Mergers and Acquisitions," with Mohammad Irani and Feng Zhang 2021
3.  "Private Equity Funds and Firm Products," with Feng Zhang 2019
4.  "Humans in Charge of Trading Robots: The First Experiment," with E. Asparouhova, P. Bosssaerts, K. Rotaru, T. Wang, N. Yadav 2020
5.  "Measuring (In)Attention to Mutual Fund Fees: Evidence from Experiments," with Hugh Kim 2021
6.  "The Impact of Imperfect Foresight on Asset Prices and Allocations," with Peter Bossaerts and Felix Fattinger 2021
7.  "Mutual Fund Management: Does Active Management Pay?" 2017

Media Coverage:

1. Bloomberg, November 13, 2019 , "If You Own Everything, Why Merge?," Matt Levine

2. The New York Times, July 14, 2017, ``Lower Fees Are Great, if You Actually Get Them,'' M.P. Dunleavey

3. Wall Street Journal, December 4, 2016, ``Similar Mutual Funds–but Very Different Fees,'' Micah Hauptman

4. Barron's, December 8, 2016, ``Mutual Funds Milk Investors, CFA Says''