
2021.8-               Assistant Professor (Teaching), School of Humanities and Social Science, The Chinse University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)

2018.8-2021.7    Associate Research Fellow, Boya (Liberal Arts) College, Sun Yat-sen University

2012.2-2018.7    Editor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2010.1-2012.1    Research Assistant, Research Centre for Chinese Literature and Literary Culture, The Education University of Hong Kong

Awards and honors
  • 2017
  • 2007
  • 01


    Hong Kong in Its History of Lyricism 《香港的抒情史》(Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2016) by Prof. CHAN Kwok-kou and admin edited by YANG Yanni, won the 10th Hong Kong Bookprize by RTHK.

  • 02


    Her paper “benshi de huigui yu chaoyue: cong zixiao ji dao zichai ji” (本事的回归与超越:从《紫箫记》到《紫钗记》) won the Wong Wai-chong Essay Prize in Chinese Culture (2006-2007), the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.


1. Articles in Referred/Core Journals

《萬曆杭州南屏社事文發微——兼論不在場的王世貞》(The Nanping Poetry Gathering in 1586 and Wang Shizhen, its Absent Guest),《新亞學報》 (New Asia Journal),第四十卷第一期(2023年6月),頁128-162。DOI: 10.6743/NAJ.202306_40(1).0006

“On the Making of Tangshi leiyuan (《唐诗类苑》成书考),” Wenshi 文史 (Beijing, CSSCI), 4 (Nov. 2020): 211-234.

“Epidemic, Sickness and Personal Matters in 1589 (疫、病与万历十七年的私人恩怨),” Book Town 书城 (Shanghai), 2020.6: 72-79.

“Tu Long (1543-1605) in 1584 (万历十二年的屠隆),” Dushu 读书 (Beijing, CSSCI), 2019.12:154-159.

“A Report from the International Conference on ‘New Cultural History and Chinese Literary Studies: Reflections and Prospect’,” Newsletter of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 中研院文哲研究所通讯 (Taipei, ACI), 29.3 (Sept. 2019): 149-162.

“Where is the Borders in the Purple Flute (《紫箫记》中边关何处)?” Dushu 读书 (Beijing, CSSCI), 2019.9: 32-39.

“Blind Literatus Tang Ruxun (1565-after 1623) and His Humble Gesture of Listening and Questioning (审听哀问的姿态——明代文士唐汝询),” Book Town 书城 (Shanghai), 2011.9: 59-64.

“A Study of Sang Yue’s Life and Poetic Thought”, Dong Hwa Journal of Humanities 东华中文学报 (Taiwan), 14 (Jan. 2009): 75-114.

“On Shen Zhou’s (1427-1509) Masterpiece Lushan gao (叠垒层积的画意——以沈周《庐山高》为例),” Book Town 书城 (Shanghai), 2008.5: 18-24.

2. Book reviews

YANG Yanni, review of Shanhai guren: mingqing Zhejiang de haijiang lishi yu haidao shehui by XIE Shi, Dushu 读书 (Beijing, CSSCI), 2021.6:135-139.

YANG Yanni, review of Not Set in Stone: A Study of the Editions of the Great Learning in the Ming Dynasty by LIU Yong, Journal of History and Anthropology 历史人类学学刊 (Guangzhou & Hong Kong, THCI, ACI), 17.2 (Oct. 2019): 116-119.

YANG Yanni, “The Learning of Ji Category and Statecraft” (集部之学与经世致用——窦警凡《历朝文学史》评介), Book Town 书城 (Shanghai), 2013.5: 27-35.

YANG Yanni, “Revisit the Farewell Place,” (又到绿杨曾折处——赵秀亭、冯统一《饮水词笺校》评介), Book Town 书城 (Shanghai), 2006.11: 58-63.

3. Invited Essays

“A River Moving: To the Memory of Prof. TSIEN Tsuen-hsuin (一条动人的河:纪念钱存训教授),” Daily Sunshine 晶报 (Shenzhen), 3 May 2015, A8-9.

“He Deserves Much Bigger Name: To the Memory of Prof. Patrick HANAN (我们应该把韩南的名字放得更大)”, Daily Sunshine 晶报 (Shenzhen), 6 July 2014, A10-11.

4. Conference Presentations






5. Translation

Chen Shih-hsiang, “On Chinese Lyrical Tradition: Opening Address to Panel on Comparative. Literature, AAS Meeting, 1971”, trans. Kwok-kou Chan, Yanni Yang, Journal of Modern Chinese Studies 现代中文学刊 (Shanghai, CSSCI), 2 (Apr. 2014): 53-57.

Carine Defoort, “Mohist and Yangist Blood in Confucian Flesh: The Middle Position of the Guodian Text Tang Yu zhi dao 唐虞之道,” Journal of Chinese Literature and History 中华文史论丛 (Shanghai, CSSCI), 84 (Apr. 2006): 315-347.