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Dr. Zhuang Yingyi is Assistant Professor (Teaching) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. She holds a PhD in Translation Studies from City University of Hong Kong.
Dr. Zhuang’s research interests span several areas, including translation studies (mass media translation, audiovisual translation, financial translation, sports translation), linguistics (discourse analysis, corpus Linguistics), educational and translation technologies (computer-assisted translator training, AI-assisted language service, prompt engineering), and digital humanities. Her work has been published in SSCI-indexed and EI-indexed journals. She has also served as a guest editor for a special issues.
Dr. Zhuang is the principal investigator (PI) of three research grants (the Ministry of Education, the Guangdong Province, and CUHK-Shenzhen) and the co-investigator of three National Social Science Foundation projects.
Dr. Zhuang is a member of the Film and Television Translation Committee at the Translators Association of China. She is also a reviewer for the International Journal of Translation, Interpretation, and Applied Linguistics (IJTIAL).
Mass media translation, particularly news translation.
Audiovisual translation, particularly subtitling, fansubbing and AVT teaching.
Discourse analysis, particularly critical discourse analysis of news, political reports and speeches.
Computer-assisted translator training: development and application of computer-assisted teaching platforms.
Monographs & Textbooks:
· ZHUANG Yingyi, ZHANG Shuyin. (Eds.). (forthcoming). Mass Media Translation: Practical Coursebook. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Audio-Visual Publishing House.
Edited Special Issues & Books:
· MU Yuanyuan, ZHUANG Yingyi. (Eds.). (2020). Special Issue on Computer-Aided Translator Training, Volume 2, International Journal of Translation, Interpretation, and Applied Linguistics (IJTIAL).
Journal Articles & Book Chapters:
· ZHANG Shuyin, ZHUANG Yingyi, CHANG Liwen. (2023). Toward Equal Language Accessibility in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Snapshot of Community Translation and Interpreting in China’s Greater Bay Area. Translation and Interpreting Studies, 18(2): 301-324.
· ZHUANG Yingyi, ZHENG Shuangshuang. (2023). Developing Translation Abilities Through Knowledge-Network-Based Translator Training. In C.S. González-González et al. (Eds.). Learning Technologies and Systems. ICWL 2022 SETE 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13869. Cham: Springer, 513-524.
· ZHUANG Yingyi, CHEN Jianping. (2017). Chapter 16 News Discourse and the Construction of Social Reality: A Comparative Critical Discourse Analysis of News Reports from Mainstream Newspapers in China and the U.S. In Society, Culture, Identity and Discourse Construction: New Explorations in Chinese Sociolinguistics. Beijing: People’s Publishing House, 192-207.
· ZHUANG Yingyi. (2013). Metaphors and the Construction of a Hallucinatory Realistic Story World: A Case Study of Mo Yan’s Autumn Water (秋水) and Its Translation. International Journal of Arts & Sciences, 6(2): 435-453.
Conference Presentations:
· JIN Zhuqi, CAO Yutong, ZHUANG Yingyi. (2024, April). Prompted AI Subtitling for Video Games: A Case Study of the Genshin Impact Video. Paper Presented at the 2024 International Conference on Translation Education (ICTE), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Shenzhen, China.
· ZHUANG Yingyi. (2022, September). Translation Skills Training Through In-Depth Analysis: With Special Reference to Online Self-Learning on Textwells. Paper Presented at the International Conference on Web-Based Learning (ICWL 2022) in conjunction with the International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education (SETE 2022), the University of La Laguana, Tenerife, Spain.
· ZHUANG Yingyi. (2019, June). From Bug-Catching to Retranslation: The Chinese Marvel Fans’ Subtitle Campaign. Paper Presented at the 8th Media for All International Conference—“Complex Understandings,” Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
· ZHUANG Yingyi. (2018, September). Discursive Construction in News Coverage and Translation: A Critical Discourse Analysis of The New York Times Bilingual News on Snowden Topic. Paper Presented at the International Workshop on Discourse Analysis—“Constructing and Deconstructing Discourse in English: Key Features, Challenges and Innovations,” the University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
· ZHUANG Yingyi. (2015, May). “Grassroots” Translators as Creators: A Case Study of Three Chinese Translation Versions of Raymond Carver’s Cathedral. Paper Presented at the International Conference—“Literary Translation as Creation,” the University of Avignon, Avignon, France.
· ZHUANG Yingyi. (2014, December). The Discursive Construction and Reconstruction of “Us” and “Them” in News Coverage and Translation. Paper Presented at the International Conference—“Pragmatics and Translation,” Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China.
· ZHUANG Yingyi. (2014, August). Teaching Online and Offline: A Case Study on the Application of a Computer-Aided, Discovery-Driven Model of Translator Training in CityU’s Undergraduate Course of ‘Practical Translation’. Paper Presented at the International Conference—“Translation Education Computer-Aided Teaching of Translation: Theory, Practice and New Technologies,” City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
· ZHUANG Yingyi. (2014, May). The Discursive Construction and Reconstruction of Us and Them: A Corpus-based Study of News Translation between East and West. Paper Presented at the International Conference—“Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies: East-West in Dialogue,” University of London, London, United Kingdom.
· ZHUANG Yingyi. (2014, January). Exploring Discursive Performativity—A Corpus-Based Study of News Coverage and Translation. Paper Presented at the Colloquium “Performativity and Translation,” Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China.
· ZHUANG Yingyi. (2013, May). The Construction of a Hallucinatory Realistic World: Analysis of Metaphors in Mo Yan’s Autumn Water (秋水) and Its Translation from the Cognitive Conceptual Perspective. Paper Presented at the 2013 International Journal of Arts & Sciences (IJAS) Conference, Harvard University, Boston, United States.
Invited Talks:
· ZHUANG Yingyi. (2019, June). Big-Data-Based Translation Learning: Knowledge Construction and Teaching. Anhui University, Hefei, China.
· ZHUANG Yingyi. (2019, May). Between Human and Machine: Computer-Aided Translation Teaching Research and Course Design. Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, China.