Erika Ningxin WANG


Erika Ningxin WANG

Assistant Professor

Education Background:
Ph.D. King's College London
M.Sc. The University of Oxford
M.Phil. The University of Hong Kong
Double B.A. Nankai University
Visiting Scholar, Taiwan Academia Sinica
Office Address

TXB 1014

Teaching Area

Media and Internet Culture, Creative Cities, Urban Culture


I am looking for part-time RA from CUHKSZ students, who are familiar with Shenzhen Nanyou Clothing Market, Shuibei Gold Market, Hanfu/新中式 enthusiasts. It is better if you have research experience in conducting digital ethnography on e-commerce live streaming platforms. Please contact me if you are interested.


Media and Cultural Studies;
Creative Industries, ACG and TV Studies;
Cultural Policy and Markets;
Algorithm and Platform Governance;
Fans, Social Media and Pop Culture.



Wang, E. N.* & Huang, Q. (2025). Fandom Nationalism: Participatory Censorship and Performative Patriotism. US: Bloomsbury Academic. (In press/ forthcoming)


Peer Reviewed Articles (Note: *Corresponding author)

Wang, E. N.* (2024). Participatory Censorship with Illusory Empowerment: Algorithmic Folklore and Interpretive Labour beyond Fandom. Social Media + Society, 10(4). (JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top) 

Hu, T., & Wang, E. N.* (2024). Chinese celebrity dossier: the politics of censorship governance. Celebrity Studies12(2).

Hu, T., & Wang, E. N.* (2024). Cyber-nationalism and celebrity: The Zhang Zhehan controversy. Celebrity Studies, 12(2).


Hu, T.*, Zou, C., & Wang, E. N. (2023). A male idol becoming a girl? Nisu fans’ sexual fantasy about male stars. Transformative Works and Cultures41.


Wang, E. N., & Ge, L.* (2023). Fan conflicts and state power in China: Internalised heteronormativity, censorship sensibilities, and fandom police. Asian studies review47(2), 355-373. (Journal Most Cited Article in last 3 years)


Wang, E. N.* (2022). Squid Game Outside the Wall: Fandom Nationalism in China and Negotiation with State Power. Communication, Culture and Critique.


Wang, E. N.* (2022). Dangerous Subaltern: The Power Logic of Fan Subcultures in the Context of Fan Conflicts 危险的附庸:从饭圈冲突看粉丝亚文化的权力逻辑文化研究辑刊, (Vol 46 (2021)).


Noppe, N.*, Price, L., Chiu, K., Miller, J. N., Wang, E. N., Vaswani, S. M., Merry, S. K., Pollock, D. E., Black, S. R., Hartwell, R., Naomi, J., Anthony, P., & Emmanouloudis, A. (2022). What if academic publishing worked like fan publishing? Imagining the Fantasy Research Archive of Our Own. Transformative Works and Cultures, (Vol 37 (2022)).


Wang, E. N., Kelley, B.*, Price, L., & Schuster, K. M. (2020). Beyond the multidisciplinary in fan studies: Learning how to talk among disciplines. Transformative Works and Cultures, (Vol 33 (2020)).


Edited Issues

Cultural Reports Issue: The Politics of Censorship against Celebrities, In Celebrity Studies, 12(2), 2024.

Editors: Hu, T. & Wang, E. N.*, co-authored the Introduction.


Book Chapters

Wang, E. N.* (2024). Vernacular Turns in Transcultural Contexts: The Role of Taiwanese Manga Fans in Political Narratives . In Hu, T., & Wu, F. (Eds.), Transcultural Media Fandom in the Asia Pacific. (In Series of Asian Celebrity and Fandom Studies). Bloomsbury. (Accepted/ forthcoming).

Benecchi, E.*, & Wang, E. N. (2021). Fandom: Historicized Fandom and the Conversation between East and West Perspectives. In G. Balbi, N. Ribeiro, V. Schafer, & C. Schwarzenegger (Eds.), Digital Roots: Historicizing Media and Communication Concepts of the Digital Age (pp. 281-298). (Studies in digital history and hermeneutics). DeGruyter.


Ge, L., & Wang, E. N.* (2022). Scapegoating Fandom: Digital Colonialism, Capitalism, and State.

Ge, L., & Wang, E. N.* (2022). Intra-Fandom Conflicts and Censorship Sensibilities in Chinese Popular Mediascape. Asian Studies Association of Australia.