Erika Ningxin WANG


Erika Ningxin WANG

Assistant Professor

Education Background:
Ph.D. King's College London
M.Sc. The University of Oxford
M.Phil. The University of Hong Kong
Double B.A. Nankai University
Visiting Scholar, Taiwan Academia Sinica
Office Address

TXB 1014

Teaching Area

Media and Internet Culture, Creative Cities, Urban Culture


I am looking for part-time RA from CUHKSZ students, who are familiar with Shenzhen Nanyou Clothing Market, Shuibei Gold Market, Hanfu/新中式 enthusiasts. It is better if you have research experience in conducting digital ethnography on e-commerce live streaming platforms. Please contact me if you are interested.


Media and Cultural Studies;
Creative Industries, ACG and TV Studies;
Cultural Policy and Markets;
Algorithm and Platform Governance;
Fans, Social Media and Pop Culture.

Achievements (0)