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Xueshi Li. 2022. “The "Real” Organic Food in China: The Tradition-Modern Divide and the Role of Boundary Work”. The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food 28 (1). Paris, France:43-57.(SCOPU)
Xueshi Li and
Allison Loconto 2019. "Mobile market and changing food governance: the
world of non-certified organic food in Beijing. " Globalizations:
Lawrence Busch, Allison Loconto, and Xueshi Li.
2008. “New Technologies, Standards, and Local Food Resources.” pp.
163-181 in the Third Afrasian International Symposium. Resources Under
Stress: Sustainability of the Local Community in Asia and Africa, Y.
Kawamura, H. Nakamura, and S. Ishizaka, eds. Kyoto: Afrasian Center
for Peace and Development Studies, Ryukoku University.
张劼颖 李雪石.2020.
《人类学以何研究科学:反思科技民族志》 广西民族大学学报: 哲学 社会科学版 4. 126-133 (Zhang Jieying and
Xueshi Li. 2020. How Can Anthropology Study Science: Reviewing
Ethnography of Technoscience Journal of Guangxi University For
Nationalites:Philosophy and Social Science Edition 4. 126-133) (CSSCI).
李雪石,陈欢. 2019.《解构食品安全话语:中国主流媒体视野中的舶来品 “有机农业”研究》 中国研究
1. 161-178. (Xueshi Li and Huan Chen. 2019. “Deconstructing Food
Safety discourses: a Study of "Organic Agriculture" from the Perspective
of Chinese Mainstream Media.” China Studies 1. 161-178.) (CSSCI).
张劼颖 李雪石.2019. 《环境治理中的知识生产与呈现--对垃圾焚烧技术争议的论域分析》 社会学研究
4. 146-169 (Zhang Jieying and Xueshi Li. 2019. Knowledge Making and
Performing in Environmental Governance: An Arena Analysis of Waste
Incineration Technological Disputes. Sociological Study 4. 146-169). (CSSCI).
陈越鹏, 王蒲生, 李雪石.
2018. 《封闭社区与街区制:一个边界理论的视角》 甘肃行政学院学报 86-95.(Chen Yuepeng, Wang Pusheng,
Xueshi Li. 2018. “Closed community and block system: a perspective of
boundary theory.” Gansu Institute of Public Administration Journal.
李雪石, 张猛.2017.《国外转基因的社会科学研究热点问题评析》 国外社会科学.105-112. (Xueshi Li and Meng Zhang. 2017. “A Literature Review of GMO
Issues in International Social Sciences.” Social Sciences Abroad.
105-112.) (CSSCI).
甘肃行政学院学报 . 80-91. (Xueshi Li,Pusheng Wang and Meng Zhang. 2017. “A Literature
Review of Food Safety Issues in International Social Sciences.” Gansu
Institute of Public Administration Journal. 80-91) (CSSCI).
任雪飞《印度学习中国城市发展的几点反思》(Xuefei Ren. 2012. Originally published in The Wilson Quarterly.) 中国名城 . pp. 20-23. Xuefei Ren and Xueshi Li (translation). 2015. Reflections on Chinese and Indian Urban Development (Xuefei Ren. 2012. Originally published in The Wilson Quarterly.) pp. 20-23.