

Assistant Professor (Teaching)

Education Background:
2015 Post-doc Researcher, Tsinghua University, China

2014 Ph.D. Sociology, Michigan State University (MSU), USA

2008 M.A. Sociology, Michigan State University (MSU), USA

2006 B.A. Central University for Nationalities, China
Teaching Area



I received my Ph.D in sociology from Michigan State University and currently work as an assistant professor (teaching) in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen). My research interests include food and agriculture, Science and Technology Studies (STS), and Globalization and China.


Sociology of Food and Environment;Science, Technology, and Society (STS); Globalization and China Studies;


English Articles

Xueshi Li. 2022. “The "Real” Organic Food in China: The Tradition-Modern Divide and the Role of Boundary Work”. The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food 28 (1). Paris, France:43-57.(SCOPU)
Xueshi Li and Allison Loconto  2019. "Mobile market and changing food governance: the world of non-certified organic food in Beijing. " Globalizations: 17-35.(SSCI)
Lawrence Busch, Allison Loconto, and Xueshi Li. 2008. “New Technologies, Standards, and Local Food Resources.” pp. 163-181 in the Third Afrasian International Symposium. Resources Under Stress: Sustainability of the Local Community in Asia and Africa, Y. Kawamura, H. Nakamura,  and S. Ishizaka, eds. Kyoto: Afrasian Center for Peace and Development Studies, Ryukoku University.

  • Chinese Articles
  • 张劼颖 李雪石.2024. 《重返「嵌入性」︰食物產業綠色轉型的可持續路徑二十一世纪 205. 4-16  https://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ics/21c/zh/issues/index.html (Zhang Jiering and Li Xueshi.2024. Revisiting the Concept of "Embeddedness": Towards a Sustainable Future for China's Food Industry Twenty—Frist Century205. 4-16.)
  • 张劼颖 李雪石.2023. 《数字虚拟社区研究:学术脉络与关键议题》中国社会科学评价 3. 32-44.(Zhang Jiering and Li Xue Shi.2023. The Research on digital virtual communities: academic lineage and key issues China Social Science Assessment 03. 32-44.)(CSSCI)
  • 张劼颖 李雪石.2023. 《再思垃圾分类:分类知识、标准述行与环境治理》 开放时代 3. 126-133 (Zhang Jieying and Xueshi Li. 2023. Reflections on Waste Classification: Knowledge,Standard Performantivity and Environmental Governance Open Times 3) (CSSCI).

张劼颖 李雪石.2020. 《人类学以何研究科学:反思科技民族志》 广西民族大学学报: 哲学 社会科学版 4. 126-133 (Zhang Jieying and Xueshi Li. 2020. How Can Anthropology Study Science: Reviewing Ethnography of Technoscience Journal of Guangxi University For Nationalites:Philosophy and Social Science Edition 4. 126-133) (CSSCI).
李雪石,陈欢. 2019.《解构食品安全话语:中国主流媒体视野中的舶来品 “有机农业”研究》 中国研究 1. 161-178.  (Xueshi Li and Huan Chen. 2019. “Deconstructing Food Safety discourses: a Study of "Organic Agriculture" from the Perspective of Chinese Mainstream Media.” China Studies 1. 161-178.) (CSSCI).

张劼颖 李雪石.2019. 《环境治理中的知识生产与呈现--对垃圾焚烧技术争议的论域分析》 社会学研究 4. 146-169 (Zhang Jieying and Xueshi Li. 2019. Knowledge Making and Performing in Environmental Governance: An Arena Analysis of Waste Incineration Technological Disputes. Sociological Study 4. 146-169).  (CSSCI).
陈越鹏, 王蒲生, 李雪石. 2018. 《封闭社区与街区制:一个边界理论的视角》 甘肃行政学院学报 86-95.(Chen Yuepeng, Wang Pusheng, Xueshi Li. 2018. “Closed community and block system: a perspective of boundary theory.” Gansu Institute of Public Administration Journal. 8695)(CSSCI)
李雪石, 张猛.2017.《国外转基因的社会科学研究热点问题评析》 国外社会科学.105-112. (Xueshi Li and Meng Zhang. 2017. “A Literature Review of GMO Issues in International Social Sciences.” Social Sciences Abroad. 105-112.) (CSSCI).
李雪石,王蒲生,张猛.2017.《中国食品安全问题的国外社会科学研究评述》, 甘肃行政学院学报 . 80-91. (Xueshi Li,Pusheng Wang and Meng Zhang. 2017. “A Literature Review of Food Safety Issues in International Social Sciences.” Gansu Institute of Public Administration Journal. 80-91) (CSSCI).

  • Media Articles
Xueshi Li. (2024, Febuary). “Do Ready-Made Meals Belong at China’s New Year’s Table?”
Sixth Tone https://www.sixthtone.com/news/1014611
Xueshi Li. (2022, May). “China Has a Food Waste Problem. Can More Communal Dining Help?”
Sixth Tone https://www.sixthtone.com/news/1010366/china-has-a-food-waste-problem.-can-more-communal-dining-help%3F
Xueshi Li. (2021, April). “How Old-School Parenting Is Holding Back Alternative Education”
Sixth Tone http://www.sixthtone.com/news/1007116/how-old-school-parenting-isholding-back-alternative-education.
Xueshi Li. (2020, September). “I Tried ‘Vertical Farming’ at Home. I’m Setting My Sights Higher”
Sixth Tone http://www.sixthtone.com/news/1006128/i-tried-vertical-farming-athome.-im-setting-my-sights-higher.
Xueshi Li. (2020, June). “For China’s Alternative Growers, Consumerism Trumps Idealism”
Sixth Tone https://www.sixthtone.com/news/1005788/for-chinas-alternative-growers%2C-consumerism-trumps-idealism
Xueshi Li. (2018, November). “Buying to Survive: Why China Isn’t Ready to Abandon Consumerism”
Sixth Tone http://www.sixthtone.com/news/1003193/buying-to-survive-whychina-isnt-ready-to- abandon-consumerism 
Xueshi Li. (2018, September) “Anger Over Food Scandals Has Shoppers Looking for Fresh Options.”
Sixth Tone. http://www.sixthtone.com/news/1002895/anger-over-food-scandals-hasshoppers-looking- for-fresh-options
Xueshi Li. (2018, March 7). “China’s Cities Are Making Migrant Workers Profoundly Lonely. ”
Sixth Tone.https://www.sixthtone.com/news/1001862/chinas-cities-are-making-migrant-workers-profoundly-lonely

  • Translation

任雪飞《印度学习中国城市发展的几点反思》(Xuefei Ren. 2012. Originally published in The Wilson Quarterly.) 中国名城 . pp. 20-23. Xuefei Ren and Xueshi Li (translation). 2015. Reflections on Chinese and Indian Urban Development (Xuefei Ren. 2012. Originally published in The Wilson Quarterly.) pp. 20-23.