

Assistant Professor (Teaching)

Education Background:
2015 Post-doc Researcher, Tsinghua University, China

2014 Ph.D. Sociology, Michigan State University (MSU), USA

2008 M.A. Sociology, Michigan State University (MSU), USA

2006 B.A. Central University for Nationalities, China
Teaching Area



I received my Ph.D in sociology from Michigan State University and currently work as an assistant professor (teaching) in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen). My research interests include food and agriculture, Science and Technology Studies (STS), and Globalization and China.


Sociology of Food and Environment;Science, Technology, and Society (STS); Globalization and China Studies;

An Empirical Study of Household Food Waste among Urban Residents(GD24XSH12) (2024—Present)

Primary Participant, Guangdong Philosophy and Social Science Planning 2024 Discipline Co-construction Project

“New Employment through Digital Technology - A Case Study of E-sports” (2022—Present)

Research Member, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Annual Youth Scholar Social Research Project

“Constructing agroecological food systems: An analysis of diversified and sustainable market channels”(2015)

Research Coordinator. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.

"Alternative food systems, standards, and sustainability" (2018—Present)

Principal Investigator, Shenzhen Post-Doctoral Research Start-up Funding.

The Community-based Food Waste Project(2021—2022)

Principal Investigator, Xirang Scholars Support Plan(XR2021-02) (Vanke Foundation, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing Woqi Foundation).