Assistant Professor (Teaching)
I received my Ph.D in sociology from Michigan State University and currently work as an assistant professor (teaching) in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen). My research interests include food and agriculture, Science and Technology Studies (STS), and Globalization and China.
Sociology of Food and Environment;Science, Technology, and Society (STS); Globalization and China Studies;
Sociology of Food and Environment | |
2023 | “Sustainable Food Practices of Conventional Food Corporations: A Case-Study Approach” China Environmental Sociology Annal Symposium, Tianjin. July 8-9. |
2022 | “Causes of Food Waste at the Consumption End: Based on Auto-ethnography” China Environmental Sociology Annal Symposium, Xiamen. August 27. |
| “Governance Dilemma and Digital Transformation of Food Waste in Closed Communities” 8th International Symposium on Environmental Sociology in East Asia, November 6. |
“An Analysis of Major Issues of Food Waste Literature” China Environmental Sociology Annal Symposium, Chongqing, China. July 17. | |
2018 | “An Analysis of Major Issues of Alternative Food Networks(AFNs)Literature” China Environmental Sociology Annal Symposium, Xi’an, Shanxi. |
Science Technology and Society (STS) | |
2023 | Chenjia Xu and Xueshi Li “Drink More Milk!/?": a sociology of scientific knowledge (SSK) perspective on China's Dietary Guidelines (1989-2022)” URBAN FOOD SYSTEMS, SUFFICIENCY & SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE IN CHINA (Workshop of the ERC project “A Middle Way? Probing Sufficiency through Meat and Milk in China”) at Sun Yat-sen University, August 26. |
| “Research Findings on Food Waste and Sustainable Food Systems: Based on two university communities in Shenzhen, China” Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting 2021: Frameworks of Responsibility that Reshape Food Systems, October 9. |
“The Farmer's Markets as Immutable Mobiles of Sustainable Consumption and Caring” Sustainable Consumption and Care, the European Chapter of the Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative (SCORAI Europe), May 20. | |
2016 | “The Discourse of Organic Agriculture in China,” The 12th East Asian Science Technology and Society (EASTS) Network Conference at Tsinghua University, November18-20. |
Globalization and China Studies | |
2023 | “The "Magic" of Moyu Village: Ethnographic Observations on the Sustainable Lifestyles of an Ecological Women's Group” Women in the Threshold of Ecological Civilization: Theoretical Resources and Chinese Practices (held by the Editorial Board of the Women's Studies Series, Women's Research Institute of the All-China Women's Federation, Beijing Normal University, and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), October 29. |
2020 | “The Farmer's Markets as Healing Space and Place” The 11th Urban Social Culture Forum, East China Normal University, Shanghai, November 14-15. |
2018 | “Meishi Jie in Making: Entwining the Local with the Global,” Paper presentation (paper accepted W0016164), The British Sociology Association Annual Conference. |
| “Making Sense of High-Tech Organic Agriculture in China: A Content Analysis,” Michigan Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Muskegon, October 24-25. |
“The Multiplicity of Organics in China,” EL/WL Association of American Geographers (AAG) Conference, Michigan, October 16-18. |